wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5704 > Original Bill

SB 5704 - Fund-raising activities


Section 1

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    1. "Bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization," as used in this chapter, means:

      1. Any organization duly existing under the provisions of chapter 24.12, 24.20, or 24.28 RCW, any agricultural fair authorized under the provisions of chapter 15.76 or 36.37 RCW, or any nonprofit corporation duly existing under the provisions of chapter 19.09 or 24.03A RCW for charitable, benevolent, eleemosynary, educational, civic, patriotic, political, religious, scientific, social, fraternal, athletic, or agricultural purposes only, or any nonprofit organization, whether incorporated or otherwise, when found by the commission to be organized and operating for one or more of the aforesaid purposes only, all of which in the opinion of the commission have been organized and are operated primarily for purposes other than the operation of gambling activities authorized under this chapter;

      2. Any corporation which has been incorporated under Title 36 U.S.C. and whose principal purposes are to furnish volunteer aid to members of the armed forces of the United States and also to carry on a system of national and international relief and to apply the same in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, famine, fire, floods, and other national calamities and to devise and carry on measures for preventing the same;

      3. Any organization qualifying as tax exempt under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code, as it existed on the effective date of this section; or

      4. Any nonprofit organization that is registered in Washington.

    2. An organization defined under (a) of this subsection must:

      1. Have been organized and continuously operating for at least twelve calendar months immediately preceding making application for any license to operate a gambling activity, or the operation of any gambling activity authorized by this chapter for which no license is required; and

      2. Demonstrate to the commission that it has made significant progress toward the accomplishment of the purposes of the organization during the twelve consecutive month period preceding the date of application for a license or license renewal. The fact that contributions to an organization do not qualify for charitable contribution deduction purposes or that the organization is not otherwise exempt from payment of federal income taxes pursuant to the internal revenue code of 1954, as amended, shall constitute prima facie evidence that the organization is not a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization for the purposes of this section.

    3. Any person, association or organization which pays its employees, including members, compensation other than is reasonable therefor under the local prevailing wage scale shall be deemed paying compensation based in part or whole upon receipts relating to gambling activities authorized under this chapter and shall not be a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization for the purposes of this chapter.

  2. For the purposes of RCW 9.46.0315 and 9.46.110, a bona fide nonprofit organization can be licensed by the commission and includes:

    1. A credit union organized and operating under state or federal law. All revenue less prizes and expenses received from raffles conducted by credit unions must be devoted to purposes authorized under this section for charitable and nonprofit organizations; and

    2. A group of executive branch state employees that:

      1. Has requested and received revocable approval from the agency's chief executive official, or such official's designee, to conduct one or more raffles in compliance with this section;

      2. Conducts a raffle solely to raise funds for either the state combined fund drive, created under RCW 41.04.033; an entity approved to receive funds from the state combined fund drive; or a charitable or benevolent entity, including but not limited to a person or family in need, as determined by a majority vote of the approved group of employees. No person or other entity may receive compensation in any form from the group for services rendered in support of this purpose;

      3. Promptly provides such information about the group's receipts, expenditures, and other activities as the agency's chief executive official or designee may periodically require, and otherwise complies with this section and RCW 9.46.0315; and

      4. Limits the participation in the raffle such that raffle tickets are sold only to, and winners are determined only from, the employees of the agency.

  3. For the purposes of RCW 9.46.0277, a bona fide nonprofit organization also includes a county, city, or town, provided that all revenue less prizes and expenses from raffles conducted by the county, city, or town must be used for community activities or tourism promotion activities.

Section 2

"Raffle," as used in this chapter, means a game in which tickets bearing an individual number are sold for not more than $250 each and in which a prize or prizes are awarded on the basis of a drawing from the tickets by the person or persons conducting the game, when the game is conducted by a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization, and no person other than a bona fide member of the organization takes any part in the management or operation of the game. Members of the public may purchase raffle tickets and be awarded a raffle prize.

Section 3

The legislature hereby authorizes bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations to conduct bingo games, raffles, sweepstakes, amusement games, and fund-raising events, including online fund-raising activities and events, and to utilize punchboards and pull-tabs and to allow their premises and facilities to be used by only members, their guests, and members of a chapter or unit organized under the same state, regional, or national charter or constitution, to play social card games authorized by the commission, when licensed, conducted or operated pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.

Section 4

Bona fide charitable or bona fide nonprofit organizations organized primarily for purposes other than the conduct of raffles, are hereby authorized to conduct raffles without obtaining a license to do so from the commission when such raffles are held in accordance with all other requirements of this chapter, other applicable laws, and rules of the commission; and when gross revenues from all such raffles held by the organization during the calendar year do not exceed $10,000 per authorized event. Members of the public and members of the organization may purchase raffle tickets and be awarded prizes. The organization may provide unopened containers of beverages containing alcohol as raffle prizes if the appropriate permit has been obtained from the liquor and cannabis board. However, raffles that exceed $10,000 may also be conducted under this section if the organization obtains a license from the commission. For the purposes of this section, the term "members" means only those persons who have become members before the commencement of the raffle and whose qualification for membership was not dependent upon, or in any way related to, the purchase of a ticket, or tickets, for such raffles.

Section 5

Bona fide charitable or bona fide nonprofit organizations organized primarily for purposes other than the conduct of such activities are hereby authorized to conduct bingo, raffles, and amusement games, without obtaining a license to do so from the commission but only when:

  1. Such activities are held in accordance with all other requirements of this chapter, other applicable laws, and rules of the commission;

  2. Said activities are conducted no more than four times each calendar year for raffles and twice each calendar year for bingo and amusement games, and over a period of no more than twelve consecutive days each time, notwithstanding the limitations of RCW 9.46.0205. However, a raffle conducted under this subsection may be conducted for a period longer than twelve days;

  3. Only bona fide members of that organization, who are not paid for such services, participate in the management or operation of the activities;

  4. Gross revenues to the organization from raffles do not exceed $10,000 during any calendar year;

  5. Gross revenues to the organization from bingo and amusement games do not exceed $5,000 during any calendar year;

  6. All revenue therefrom, after deducting the cost of prizes and other expenses of the activity, is devoted solely to the purposes for which the organization qualifies as a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization;


  1. The organization conducting the activities maintains records for a period of one year from the date of the event which accurately show at a minimum the gross revenue from each activity, details of the expenses of conducting the activities, and details of the uses to which the gross revenue therefrom is put.

Section 6

  1. A bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization, as defined in RCW 9.46.0209, may conduct enhanced raffles if licensed by the commission.

  2. The commission has the authority to approve two enhanced raffles per calendar year for western Washington and two enhanced raffles per calendar year for eastern Washington. Whether the enhanced raffle occurs in western Washington or eastern Washington will be determined by the location where the grand prize winning ticket is to be drawn as stated on the organization's application to the commission. An enhanced raffle is considered approved when voted on by the commission.

  3. The commission has the authority to approve enhanced raffles under the following conditions:

    1. The value of the grand prize must not exceed $10,000,000.

    2. Sales may be made in person, by mail, by fax, or by telephone only. Raffle ticket order forms may be printed from the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization's website. Obtaining the form in this manner does not constitute a sale.

    3. Tickets purchased as part of a multiple ticket package may be purchased at a discount. The organization may offer different levels of discounts based on the volume of tickets sold in the multiple packages.

    4. Multiple smaller prizes are authorized during the course of an enhanced raffle for a grand prize including, but not limited to, early bird, refer a friend, and multiple ticket drawings.

    5. A purchase contract is not necessary for smaller noncash prizes, but the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization must be able to demonstrate that such a prize is available and sufficient funds are held in reserve in the event that the winner chooses a noncash prize.

    6. All enhanced raffles and associated smaller raffles must be independently audited, as defined by the commission during rule making. The audit results must be reported to the commission.

    7. Call centers, when licensed by the commission, are authorized. The bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization may contract with a call center vendor to receive enhanced raffle ticket sales. The vendor may not solicit sales. The vendor may be located outside the state, but the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization must have a contractual relationship with the vendor stating that the vendor must comply with all applicable Washington state laws and rules.

    8. The bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization must be the primary recipient of the funds raised.

    9. Sales data may be transmitted electronically from the vendor to the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization. Credit cards, issued by a state regulated or federally regulated financial institution, may be used for payment to participate in enhanced raffles.

    10. Receipts including ticket confirmation numbers may be sent to ticket purchasers either by mail or by email.

    11. In the event the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization determines ticket sales are insufficient to qualify for a complete enhanced raffle to move forward, the enhanced raffle winner must receive fifty percent of the net proceeds in excess of expenses as the grand prize. The enhanced raffle winner will receive a choice between an annuity value equal to fifty percent of the net proceeds in excess of expenses paid by annuity over twenty years, or a one-time cash payment of seventy percent of the annuity value.

    12. A bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization is authorized to hire a consultant licensed by the commission to run an enhanced raffle; in addition, the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization must have a dedicated employee who is responsible for oversight of enhanced raffle operations. The bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization is ultimately responsible for ensuring that an enhanced raffle is conducted in accordance with all applicable state laws and rules.

  4. The commission has the authority to set fees for bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations, call center vendors, and consultants conducting enhanced raffles authorized under this section.

  5. The commission has the authority to adopt rules governing the licensing and operation of enhanced raffles.

  6. Except as specifically authorized in this section, enhanced raffles must be held in accordance with all other requirements of this chapter, other applicable laws, and rules of the commission.

  7. For the purposes of this section:

    1. "Enhanced raffle" means a game in which tickets bearing an individual number are sold and in which a grand prize and smaller prizes are awarded on the basis of drawings from the tickets by the person or persons conducting the game. An enhanced raffle may include additional related entries and drawings, such as early bird, refer a friend, and multiple ticket drawings when the bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization establishes the eligibility standards for such entries and drawings before any enhanced raffle tickets are sold. No drawing may occur by using a random number generator or similar means.

    2. "Early bird drawing" means a separate drawing for a separate prize held prior to the grand prize drawing. All tickets entered into the early bird drawing, including all early bird winning tickets, are entered into subsequent early bird drawings, and also entered into the drawing for the grand prize.

    3. "Refer a friend drawing" means a completely separate drawing, using tickets distinct from those for the enhanced raffle, for a separate prize held at the conclusion of the enhanced raffle for all enhanced raffle ticket purchasers, known as the referring friend, who refer other persons to the enhanced raffle when the other person ultimately purchases an enhanced raffle ticket. The referring friend will receive one ticket for each friend referred specifically for the refer a friend drawing. In addition, each friend referred could also become a referring friend and receive his or her own additional ticket for the refer a friend drawing.

    4. "Multiple ticket drawing" means a completely separate drawing, using tickets distinct from those for the enhanced raffle, for a separate prize held at the conclusion of the enhanced raffle for all enhanced raffle ticket purchasers who purchase a specified number of enhanced raffle tickets. For example, a multiple ticket drawing could include persons who purchase three or more enhanced raffle tickets in the same order, using the same payment information, with tickets in the same person's name. For each eligible enhanced raffle ticket purchased, the purchaser also receives a ticket for the multiple ticket drawing prize.

    5. "Western Washington" includes those counties west of the Cascade mountains, including Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Thurston, Wahkiakum, and Whatcom.

    6. "Eastern Washington" includes those counties east of the Cascade mountains that are not listed in (e) of this subsection.

  8. The commission's reporting obligations under RCW 9.46.090 must address enhanced raffles. The report must include results of the raffles, revenue generated by the raffles, and identify any state or federal regulatory actions taken in relation to enhanced raffles in Washington. The report must also make recommendations, if any, for policy changes to the enhanced raffle authority.

Section 7

  1. The legislature authorizes:

    1. A business or bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization to conduct a promotional contest of chance as defined in this section, in this state, or partially in this state, whereby the elements of prize and chance are present but in which the element of consideration is not present;

    2. A financial institution, as defined in RCW 30A.22.040, to conduct a promotional contest of chance under this section in which: (i) A drawing for an annual prize is held that includes as eligible prize recipients only those persons who deposited funds at the financial institution in a savings account, certificate of deposit, or any other savings program and retained those funds for at least twelve months in the savings account, certificate of deposit, or other savings program; and (ii) drawings for other prizes are held from time to time that include as eligible prize recipients only those persons who deposited funds at the financial institution in a savings account, certificate of deposit, or other savings program. No such contest may be conducted, either wholly or partially, by means of the internet.

  2. Promotional contests of chance under this section are not gambling as defined in RCW 9.46.0237.

  3. Promotional contests of chance shall be conducted as advertising and promotional undertakings solely for the purpose of advertising or promoting the services, goods, wares, and merchandise of a business or bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization.

  4. No person eligible to receive a prize in a promotional contest of chance under subsection (1)(a) of this section may be required to:

    1. Pay any consideration to the promoter or operator of the business or bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization in order to participate in the contest; or

    2. Purchase any service, goods, wares, merchandise, or anything of value from the business or bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization, however, for other than contests entered through a direct mail solicitation, the promoter or sponsor may give additional entries or chances upon purchase of service, goods, wares, or merchandise if the promoter or sponsor provides an alternate method of entry requiring no consideration.

  5. No person eligible to receive a prize in a promotional contest of chance under subsection (1)(b) of this section may be required to pay any consideration other than the deposit of funds, or purchase any service, goods, wares, merchandise, or anything of value from the financial institution.

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    1. As used in this section, "consideration" means anything of pecuniary value required to be paid to the promoter or sponsor in order to participate in a promotional contest. Such things as visiting a business or bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization location, placing or answering a telephone call, completing an entry form or customer survey, or furnishing a stamped, self-addressed envelope do not constitute consideration.

    2. Coupons or entry blanks obtained by purchase of a bona fide newspaper or magazine or in a program sold in conjunction with a regularly scheduled sporting event are not consideration.

  7. Unless authorized by the commission, equipment or devices made for use in a gambling activity are prohibited from use in a promotional contest.

  8. This section shall not be construed to permit noncompliance with chapter 19.170 RCW, promotional advertising of prizes, and chapter 19.86 RCW, unfair business practices.

Section 8

The commission shall have the following powers and duties:

  1. To authorize and issue licenses for a period not to exceed one year to bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations approved by the commission meeting the requirements of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto permitting said organizations to conduct bingo games, raffles, amusement games, and social card games, including phone sales, online raffles, and online sweepstakes, to utilize punchboards and pull-tabs in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and to revoke or suspend said licenses for violation of any provisions of this chapter or any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto: PROVIDED, That the commission shall not deny a license to an otherwise qualified applicant in an effort to limit the number of licenses to be issued: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the commission or director shall not issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any license because of considerations of race, sex, creed, color, or national origin: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That the commission may authorize the director to temporarily issue or suspend licenses subject to final action by the commission;

  2. To authorize and issue licenses for a period not to exceed one year to any person, association, or organization operating a business primarily engaged in the selling of items of food or drink for consumption on the premises, approved by the commission meeting the requirements of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto permitting said person, association, or organization to utilize punchboards and pull-tabs and to conduct social card games as a commercial stimulant in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto and to revoke or suspend said licenses for violation of any provisions of this chapter and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto: PROVIDED, That the commission shall not deny a license to an otherwise qualified applicant in an effort to limit the number of licenses to be issued: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the commission may authorize the director to temporarily issue or suspend licenses subject to final action by the commission;

  3. To authorize and issue licenses for a period not to exceed one year to any person, association, or organization approved by the commission meeting the requirements of this chapter and meeting the requirements of any rules and regulations adopted by the commission pursuant to this chapter as now or hereafter amended, permitting said person, association, or organization to conduct or operate amusement games in such manner and at such locations as the commission may determine. The commission may authorize the director to temporarily issue or suspend licenses subject to final action by the commission;

  4. To authorize, require, and issue, for a period not to exceed one year, such licenses as the commission may by rule provide, to any person, association, or organization to engage in the manufacturing, selling, distributing, or otherwise supplying of devices, equipment, software, hardware, or any gambling-related services for use within this state for those activities authorized by this chapter. The commission may authorize the director to temporarily issue or suspend licenses subject to final action by the commission;

  5. To establish a schedule of annual license fees for carrying on specific gambling activities upon the premises, and for such other activities as may be licensed by the commission, which fees shall provide to the commission not less than an amount of money adequate to cover all costs incurred by the commission relative to licensing under this chapter and the enforcement by the commission of the provisions of this chapter and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto: PROVIDED, That all licensing fees shall be submitted with an application therefor and such portion of said fee as the commission may determine, based upon its cost of processing and investigation, shall be retained by the commission upon the withdrawal or denial of any such license application as its reasonable expense for processing the application and investigation into the granting thereof: PROVIDED FURTHER, That if in a particular case the basic license fee established by the commission for a particular class of license is less than the commission's actual expenses to investigate that particular application, the commission may at any time charge to that applicant such additional fees as are necessary to pay the commission for those costs. The commission may decline to proceed with its investigation and no license shall be issued until the commission has been fully paid therefor by the applicant: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That the commission may establish fees for the furnishing by it to licensees of identification stamps to be affixed to such devices and equipment as required by the commission and for such other special services or programs required or offered by the commission, the amount of each of these fees to be not less than is adequate to offset the cost to the commission of the stamps and of administering their dispersal to licensees or the cost of administering such other special services, requirements or programs;

  6. To prescribe the manner and method of payment of taxes, fees, and penalties to be paid to or collected by the commission. However, methods of payment of taxes, fees, and penalties offered to any licensee must be offered to all other licensees;

  7. To require that applications for all licenses contain such information as may be required by the commission: PROVIDED, That all persons (a) having a managerial or ownership interest in any gambling activity, or the building in which any gambling activity occurs, or the equipment to be used for any gambling activity, (b) participating as an employee in the operation of any gambling activity, or (c) participating as an employee in the operation, management, or providing of gambling-related services for sports wagering, shall be listed on the application for the license and the applicant shall certify on the application, under oath, that the persons named on the application are all of the persons known to have an interest in any gambling activity, building, or equipment by the person making such application: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the commission shall require fingerprinting and national criminal history background checks on any persons seeking licenses, certifications, or permits under this chapter or of any person holding an interest in any gambling activity, building, or equipment to be used therefor, or of any person participating as an employee in the operation of any gambling activity. All national criminal history background checks shall be conducted using fingerprints submitted to the United States department of justice-federal bureau of investigation. The commission must establish rules to delineate which persons named on the application are subject to national criminal history background checks. In identifying these persons, the commission must take into consideration the nature, character, size, and scope of the gambling activities requested by the persons making such applications;

  8. To require that any license holder maintain records as directed by the commission and submit such reports as the commission may deem necessary. By January 1, 2024, the commission must adopt rules that simplify and streamline the recordkeeping requirements for license holders. The streamlined rules must allow for license holders to maintain quarterly records;

  9. To require that all income from bingo games, raffles, and amusement games be recorded and reported as established by rule of the commission to the extent deemed necessary by considering the scope and character of the gambling activity in such a manner that will disclose gross income from any gambling activity, amounts received from each player, the nature and value of prizes, and the fact of distributions of such prizes to the winners thereof. However, the commission may not require a bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization to keep separate accounts for funds generated from gambling activities;

  10. To regulate and establish maximum limitations on income derived from bingo. In establishing limitations pursuant to this subsection the commission shall take into account (a) the nature, character, and scope of the activities of the licensee; (b) the source of all other income of the licensee; and (c) the percentage or extent to which income derived from bingo is used for charitable, as distinguished from nonprofit, purposes. However, the commission's powers and duties granted by this subsection are discretionary and not mandatory;

  11. To regulate and establish the type and scope of and manner of conducting the gambling activities authorized by this chapter, including but not limited to, the extent of wager, money, or other thing of value which may be wagered or contributed or won by a player in any such activities;

  12. To regulate the collection of and the accounting for the fee which may be imposed by an organization, corporation, or person licensed to conduct a social card game on a person desiring to become a player in a social card game in accordance with RCW 9.46.0282;

  13. To cooperate with and secure the cooperation of county, city, and other local or state agencies in investigating any matter within the scope of its duties and responsibilities;

  14. In accordance with RCW 9.46.080, to adopt such rules and regulations as are deemed necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter. All rules and regulations shall be adopted pursuant to the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW;

  15. To set forth for the perusal of counties, city-counties, cities and towns, model ordinances by which any legislative authority thereof may enter into the taxing of any gambling activity authorized by this chapter;

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    1. To establish and regulate a maximum limit on salaries or wages which may be paid to persons employed in connection with activities conducted by bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations and authorized by this chapter, where payment of such persons is allowed, and to regulate and establish maximum limits for other expenses in connection with such authorized activities, including but not limited to rent or lease payments. However, the commissioner's powers and duties granted by this subsection are discretionary and not mandatory.

    2. In establishing these maximum limits the commission shall take into account the amount of income received, or expected to be received, from the class of activities to which the limits will apply and the amount of money the games could generate for authorized charitable or nonprofit purposes absent such expenses. The commission may also take into account, in its discretion, other factors, including but not limited to, the local prevailing wage scale and whether charitable purposes are benefited by the activities;

  17. To authorize, require, and issue for a period not to exceed one year such licenses or permits, for which the commission may by rule provide, to any person to work for any operator of any gambling activity authorized by this chapter in connection with that activity, or any manufacturer, supplier, or distributor of devices for those activities in connection with such business. The commission may authorize the director to temporarily issue or suspend licenses subject to final action by the commission. The commission shall not require that persons working solely as volunteers in an authorized activity conducted by a bona fide charitable or bona fide nonprofit organization, who receive no compensation of any kind for any purpose from that organization, and who have no managerial or supervisory responsibility in connection with that activity, be licensed to do such work. The commission may require that licensees employing such unlicensed volunteers submit to the commission periodically a list of the names, addresses, and dates of birth of the volunteers. If any volunteer is not approved by the commission, the commission may require that the licensee not allow that person to work in connection with the licensed activity;

  18. To publish and make available at the office of the commission or elsewhere to anyone requesting it a list of the commission licensees, including the name, address, type of license, and license number of each licensee;

  19. To establish guidelines for determining what constitutes active membership in bona fide nonprofit or charitable organizations for the purposes of this chapter;

  20. To renew the license of every person who applies for renewal within six months after being honorably discharged, removed, or released from active military service in the armed forces of the United States upon payment of the renewal fee applicable to the license period, if there is no cause for denial, suspension, or revocation of the license;

  21. To authorize, require, and issue, for a period not to exceed one year, such licenses as the commission may by rule provide, to any person, association, or organization that engages in any sports wagering-related services for use within this state for sports wagering activities authorized by this chapter. The commission may authorize the director to temporarily issue or suspend licenses subject to final action by the commission;

  22. To issue licenses under subsections (1) through (4) of this section that are valid for a period of up to eighteen months, if it chooses to do so, in order to transition to the use of the business licensing services program through the department of revenue; and

  23. To perform all other matters and things necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

Section 9

Bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations authorized to conduct activities under this chapter may offer raffle tickets purchased as part of a multiple ticket package to be purchased at a discount. The organization may offer different levels of discounts based on the volume of tickets sold in multiple packages.

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