wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5678 > Original Bill

SB 5678 - Firearms safety/K-12


Section 1

  1. The office of the superintendent of public instruction must develop two voluntary programs of instruction for firearms safety for students.

    1. One voluntary program must focus on teaching students in prekindergarten through grade six the fundamentals of firearms safety that emphasize correct safety practices through age-appropriate activities and materials to help prevent firearms accidents among children. This program may be a gun accident prevention program developed by a task force of educators, school administrators, curriculum specialists, urban housing safety officials, clinical psychologists, law enforcement officials, and firearms safety experts and offered by a national organization.

    2. One voluntary program must focus on teaching students in grades seven through 12 the safe and responsible handling of firearms and firearms safety. This instruction may be combined with the hunter education training program established under RCW 77.32.155.

  2. These programs of instruction may be a stand-alone course or integrated into other relevant courses, or an existing course may be repurposed to include this instruction.

  3. School districts providing these programs of instruction are encouraged to seek partnerships with public and private entities to help provide this instruction.

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