wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5599
SB 5599 - Protected health care/youth
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
📰 Articles
- 02/10/2025 The Center Square - Bill would bolster 'Shield Law' for abortions, gender procedures for out-of-state residents | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 02/07/2025 The Center Square - Washington AG files lawsuit against Trump’s EO on youth gender reassignment procedures | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 08/01/2024 Washington State Standard - A GOP state senator faces two foes, and his own party leaders • Washington State Standard
- 08/01/2024 Gorge News Center - A GOP state senator faces two foes, and his own party leaders
- 02/28/2024 The Seattle Times - WA lawmakers hear initiatives on parents’ bill of rights, police pursuits | The Seattle Times
- 01/10/2024 MyNorthwest - Rantz: Democrats reject child marriage, but accept their gender reassignment - MyNorthwest.com
- 08/17/2023 The Center Square - Lawsuit filed against Washington’s 'state-sanctioned kidnapping' law | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 08/08/2023 The Center Square - State GOP lawmakers want inquiry into alleged referendum intimidation | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 07/26/2023 The Seattle Times - With referendum failure, WA just dodged a bullet of hype and hate | The Seattle Times
- 07/24/2023 The Seattle Times - WA law to protect trans youth in crisis takes effect as repeal effort fails | The Seattle Times
- 06/01/2023 The Center Square - Gov. Inslee raises Pride flag at the Washington State Capitol campus | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 05/11/2023 The Center Square - Inslee bill signing lets shelters harbor minors for abortions or gender reassignment | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 05/09/2023 Senate Democrats - Legislation to protect trans youth seeking life-saving care signed into law - Washington Senate Democrats
- 05/01/2023 The Urbanist - Heroes and Zeroes of the 2023 Washington State Legislature | The Urbanist
- 05/01/2023 Crosscut - WA transgender youth bill targeted in national culture war | Crosscut
- 04/27/2023 NW News Network - Washington's regular legislative session is over. Here are some of the highlights | Northwest News Network
- 04/27/2023 KUOW - KUOW - Washington's regular legislative session is over. Here are some of the highlights
- 04/22/2023 House Republicans - An update on the 2023 legislative session | Washington State House Republicans
- 04/20/2023 The Center Square - ‘State sanctioned kidnapping’ bill clears Washington Legislature | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 04/19/2023 KUOW - KUOW - Washington state lawmakers pass protections for gender-affirming care
- 04/18/2023 MyNorthwest - Rantz: Radical WA trans youth law legalized state-sanctioned kidnapping - MyNorthwest.com
- 04/15/2023 House Republicans - The homestretch of the 2023 legislative session | Washington State House Republicans
- 04/14/2023 The Seattle Times - With 10 days to go, some bills fall by the wayside in Olympia | The Seattle Times
- 04/14/2023 Gorge News Center - Rep. Chris Corry fights to protect parents’ rights
- 04/13/2023 MyNorthwest - Minors seeking gender-affirming treatment can shelter without parent's knowledge if bill passes - MyNorthwest.com
- 04/13/2023 The Center Square - Washington bill allowing government to 'hide your kid from you' clears House | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 04/05/2023 Senate Democrats - 2023 LGBTQ Priorities - Washington Senate Democrats
- 03/27/2023 The Center Square - Washington bill would let shelters not report some runaway youths to parents | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 03/17/2023 House Republicans - The Week Ahead: March 20 - 24, 2023 | Washington State House Republicans
- 03/10/2023 NW News Network - WA lawmakers pass housing, firearm bills ahead of cutoff, leave rent control, recycling bills behind | Northwest News Network
- 03/10/2023 KUOW - KUOW - WA lawmakers pass housing, firearm bills ahead of cutoff, leave rent control, recycling bills behind
- 03/02/2023 The Center Square - Bills to protect young people, help crime victims advance in WA Legislature | Washington | thecentersquare.com
- 03/02/2023 Senate Democrats - Bill to safeguard youth seeking protected health services clears Senate - Washington Senate Democrats
- 03/01/2023 Senate Republicans - Bill threatening rights of parents passes Senate - Senate Republican Caucus
- 02/19/2023 The Seattle Times - What the right has wrong about caring for trans youth | The Seattle Times
- 02/07/2023 KUOW - KUOW - Bill would protect runaway youth seeking gender-affirming care
- 02/05/2023 Senate Democrats - This Week in the Senate - Week 5: Addressing addiction, fair housing and support for nurses - Washington Senate Democrats
- Senate Republicans - Initiative 2081: Protect Parents' Rights - Parents Have the Right to Know - Senate Republican Caucus
Wed 03/22 01:30 PM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): ESSB 5599 Protected health care/youth
509 👍 - Pro
- Danni Askini - Gender Justice League
- Jessica McHegg - Gender Justice League
- Tim Wood
- Autumn Lovewell
- Stéphanie Chavet
- 💵Megan Veith - Building Changes
- Jody Disney
- Sara Kukonnen - Planned Parenthood Greater Northwest
- Rebekah Gardea - QLaw Foundation of Washington
- Jonathan Frochtwajg - Cascade AIDS Project
- Danni Askini - Gender Justice League
- Melissa Auclaire
- Jarel Sanders - Equal Rights WA
- Lisa Keating - Executive Director, My Purple Umbrella
- Marguerite Dekker
- Sangyoon Lee
- Ray Dechant
- Nicolle Siegart
- Jaxtyn Osborn
5315 👎 - Con
- Julie Barrett - Conservative Ladies of Washington
- Gabriel Jacobs
- Linnea Comstock
- Joshua Hardwick
- Eric pratt - I, America
- Christian Nelson
- Dawn Land
- Sharon Damoff
- Trish Huddleston
- Bruce Monell
- Angela Dabb
- Team (Theresa) Freedom (Scherling)
- mary Warren
- mary Warren
- Beth Daranciang
- Lorilee Gates
- Jessica Rice
- Theresa Schrempp
- Amanda McKinney - Yakima County
- Dr. Dave White - Climate Change Truth Inc. cctruth.org
- Lauren Armstrong
- Gabriel Jacobs
- Christy Frazier
- Alex Chrostowski - Gays Against Groomers
- Sean Swope
- Sarah Garriott
- Dawn Seaver
- Suzanne Rohne
- Jason Setzer
- Jeffrey Denison
- Elizabeth VanSteertegem
- Leah Anaya - Washington Moms For America
- Lucky Nicacio
18 ❓ - Other
Mon 02/06 10:30 AM - Human Services (HS): SB 5599 Protected health care/youth
60 👍 - Pro
- J. Denise Diskin - QLaw Foundation of Washington
- Philip Denby
- Rheea Delora
- Spencer Scott
- Jarel Sanders - Equal rights Washington
- 💵Megan Veith - Building Changes
- Matthew Wilson - Oasis Youth Center
- Heather Maisen - Public Health -- Seattle and King County
4539 👎 - Con
- Eric Pratt - America
- Julie Barrett - Conservative Ladies of Washington
- Marjie Austen
- Oli London
- Dawn Land
- Alexandra Chrostowski - Gays Against Groomers
- Justine Kreher
- Dawn Houghton
- Chris Spahn
- Dorothy Frenzel
- Carrie BeSerra
- Paige Norman - Conservative Ladies of Washington
- Angela Frye
- Joshua Hardwick
- Linda Ader
- Marc Nance
- Sarah Garriott
- Andy Cilley - Lakewood CARES
- Laurie Layne
- Amy Sousa
- Leah Anaya - Washington Moms For America
- Theresa Schrempp
- Mark Kostick
- Karina Kararush
- Jack Blotzke
- Anthony Carey
- Lisa Manske
- Dawn Seaver
- Randy Berry
- Cathleen Nimke
- Janell Hulst
- Erin Brewer
- Sharon Slater - Global Helping to Advance Women and Children
- Lisa Olson
- Joy Bird
- 💵Brad Payne - Family Policy Institute of Washington
- Keith Adams - Director of Grassroots Outreach
- Victoria Ferrer
- Bonnie Ruiz - Moms for America
- Trish Huddleston
10 ❓ - Other
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