wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5272
SB 5272 - Speed safety cameras
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📰 Articles
Wed 03/15 04:00 PM - Transportation (TR): ESSB 5272 Speed safety cameras
47 👍 - Pro
- 💵Davor Gjurasic - WSP Troopers Association
- Deken Letinich
- 💵Jennifer Ziegler - National Construction Alliance
- 💵Mallorie Davies - Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers
- Captain Neal Weaver - Washington State Patrol
- Mark McKechnie - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
- Travis Snell - Washington State Department of Transportation
2 👎 - Con
3 ❓ - Other
Mon 01/23 04:00 PM - Transportation (TRAN): SB 5272 Speed safety cameras
44 👍 - Pro
- Capt. Neil Weaver - Washington State Patrol
- Mark McKechnie - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
- Travis Snell - Washington State Department of Transportation
- Brandon Dully - Guy F Atkinson Construction
- Jerry VanderWood - Associated General Contractors (AGC)
- Jeff DeVere - Washington State Patrol Lieutenants and Captains Association (WSPLCA)
- 💵Davor Gjurasic - WSP Troopers Association
- Arti O'Brien - Advanced Government Services
- 💵Jennifer Ziegler - National Construction Alliance
- 💵Mallorie Davies - Washington and Northern Idaho District Council of Laborers
- Mark Ottele - Granite Construction Inc
- 💵John Traynor - Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
- Tony Leingang - WSDOT Statewide IRT Program
- 💵Mark Riker - Washington State Building & Construction Trades Council
- Brandon Dully - Guy F Atkinson Construction
4 👎 - Con
2 ❓ - Other
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