wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > SB 5002
SB 5002 - Alcohol concentration/DUI
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
📰 Articles
Mon 01/30 04:00 PM - Transportation (TRAN): SSB 5002 Alcohol concentration/DUI
40 👍 - Pro
- Captain Neil Weaver - Washington State Patrol
- 💵Debbie Driver - Governor Inslee's Office
- Shelly Baldwin - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
- Timothy Knopf
- Amy Freedheim - Senior Deputy Prosecutor King County - Felony Traffic
- James McMahan - WA Assoc Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- 💵Sheri Call - Washington Trucking Associations
- Michelle Gajda - National Safety Council
- Stephanie Shaw - Stephanie Shaw, Safety Advocate on behalf of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
- Linda Thompson - Washington Association for Substance Misuse and Violence Prevention (WASAVP)
46 👎 - Con
2 ❓ - Other
- Lindsay Herendeen - State Board of Health
Mon 01/16 10:30 AM - Law & Justice (LAW): SB 5002 Alcohol concentration/DUI
31 👍 - Pro
- Dennis Maughan - Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- Amy Freedheim
- Linda Thompson - Washington Association for Substance Misuse and Violence Prevention
- 💵Debbie Driver - Office of the Governor
- Mark McKechnie - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
- Neil Weaver - Washington State Patrol
- Shelly Baldwin - Washington Traffic Safety Commission
- Jane Terry - National Safety Council
- Stephanie Shaw - Safety Advocate on behalf of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
- James McMahan - WA Assoc Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- Tony Gomez
- 💵Sheri Call - Washington Trucking Associations
20 👎 - Con
1 ❓ - Other
- Lindsay Herendeen - State Board of Health
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