wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 2427 > Original Bill

HB 2427 - Walla Walla historical soc.


Section 1

Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter:

  1. "Advisory council" means the advisory council on historic preservation.

  2. "Department" means the department of archaeology and historic preservation.

  3. "Director" means the director of the department of archaeology and historic preservation.

  4. "Federal act" means the national historic preservation act of 1966 (Public Law 89-655; 80 Stat. 915).

  5. "Heritage barn" means any large agricultural outbuilding used to house animals, crops, or farm equipment, that is over fifty years old and has been determined by the department to: (a) Be eligible for listing on the Washington heritage register or the national register of historic places; or (b) have been listed on a local historic register and approved by the advisory council. In addition to barns, "heritage barn" includes agricultural resources such as milk houses, sheds, silos, or other outbuildings, that are historically associated with the working life of the farm or ranch, if these outbuildings are on the same property as a heritage barn.

  6. "Heritage council" means the Washington state heritage council.

  7. "Historic preservation" includes the protection, rehabilitation, restoration, identification, scientific excavation, and reconstruction of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American and Washington state history, architecture, archaeology, or culture.

  8. "Preservation officer" means the state historic preservation officer as provided for in RCW 43.334.020.

  9. "Project" means programs leading to the preservation for public benefit of historical properties, whether by state and local governments or other public bodies, or private organizations or individuals, including the acquisition of title or interests in, and the development of, any district, site, building, structure, or object that is significant in American and Washington state history, architecture, archaeology, or culture, and property used in connection therewith, or for its development.

  10. "State historical agencies" means the state historical societies and the department.

  11. "State historical societies" means the Washington state historical society , the eastern Washington state historical society, and the Walla Walla valley historical society.

  12. "Cultural resource management plan" means a comprehensive plan which identifies and organizes information on the state of Washington's historic, archaeological, and architectural resources into a set of management criteria, and which is to be used for producing reliable decisions, recommendations, and advice relative to the identification, evaluation, and protection of these resources.

Section 2

The legislature finds that those articles and properties which illustrate the history of the state of Washington should be maintained and preserved for the use and benefit of the people of the state. It is the purpose of this chapter to designate the three state historical societies as trustees of the state for these purposes, and to establish:

  1. A comprehensive and consistent statewide policy pertaining to archaeology, history, historic preservation, and other historical matters;

  2. Statewide coordination of historical programs; and

  3. A coordinated budget for all state historical agencies.

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