wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 2404 > Original Bill

HB 2404 - Learning recovery programs


Section 1

  1. The legislature finds that the academic achievement of public school students has declined in comparison to student performance before the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent study by the Washington state institute for public policy found that average math and English language arts test scores were lower in 2022 than before the pandemic, and that math scores fell more significantly than English language arts scores.

  2. While the decline in test scores of Washington's students is part of a national trend, and one of many effects resulting from a global health crisis that profoundly impacted education systems, the legislature recognizes that academic interventions provided to students can support their academic recovery and may offset test score declines and the associated negative effects, including decreased future earnings.

  3. The legislature, therefore, intends to establish a grant program in the office of the superintendent of public instruction to support postpandemic learning recovery programs for students through academic interventions, including tutoring, academically focused summer school programs, and increased instructional time in math and reading.

Section 2

  1. Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall establish and administer the learning recovery grant program. The purpose of the program is to provide funds to school districts for postpandemic learning recovery programs for students through academic interventions, including tutoring, academically focused summer school programs, and increased instructional time in math and reading.

  2. [Empty]

    1. Applications for grant funds must be made on forms developed by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. Grant funds awarded by the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall be to school districts:

      1. Demonstrating a need for postpandemic learning recovery programs as evidenced by statewide math and English language arts test scores or other academic measures for the applicable schools from school years 2017-18, 2018-19, or 2019-20 in comparison to school year 2021-22 or subsequent school years; and

      2. Providing, as part of the application materials, a detailed plan for supporting postpandemic learning recovery efforts with grant funds through academic interventions that include, but are not limited to, tutoring, academically focused summer school programs, and increased instructional time for students in math, reading, or both.

    2. Applicants that submit plans under this subsection must:

      1. Demonstrate their capacity to implement the plan;

      2. Identify resources or programs of the school district that may be combined with or amplified by grant funds to support postpandemic learning recovery efforts;

      3. Describe the measures that will be used to assess the effectiveness of the plan; and

      4. Describe actions to engage parents, students, and teachers in the plan's development.

  3. School districts that receive a grant under this section may reapply for grant funds in subsequent years or award cycles.

  4. For the purposes of this section, "school district" includes school districts, charter schools established under chapter 28A.710 RCW, and state-tribal education compact schools subject to chapter 28A.715 RCW.

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