wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 2307 > Original Bill

HB 2307 - Public records reviews


Section 1

  1. Responses to requests for public records shall be made promptly by agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives. Within five business days of receiving a public record request, an agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives must respond in one of the ways provided in this subsection (1):

    1. Providing the record;

    2. Providing an internet address and link on the agency's website to the specific records requested, except that if the requester notifies the agency that he or she cannot access the records through the internet, then the agency must provide copies of the record or allow the requester to view copies using an agency computer;

    3. Acknowledging that the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives will require to respond to the request;

    4. Acknowledging that the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives has received the request and asking the requestor to provide clarification for a request that is unclear, and providing, to the greatest extent possible, a reasonable estimate of the time the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives will require to respond to the request if it is not clarified; or

    5. Denying the public record request.

  2. Additional time required to respond to a request may be based upon the need to clarify the intent of the request, to locate and assemble the information requested, to notify third persons or agencies affected by the request, or to determine whether any of the information requested is exempt and that a denial should be made as to all or part of the request.

  3. [Empty]

    1. In acknowledging receipt of a public record request that is unclear, an agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives may ask the requestor to clarify what information the requestor is seeking.

    2. If the requestor fails to respond to an agency request to clarify the request, and the entire request is unclear, the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives need not respond to it. Otherwise, the agency must respond, pursuant to this section, to those portions of the request that are clear.

  4. Denials of requests must be accompanied by a written statement of the specific reasons therefor. Agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall establish mechanisms for a prompt review of decisions denying inspection, and such review shall be deemed completed at the end of the 10th business day following the denial of inspection . Such review shall constitute final agency action or final action by the office of the secretary of the senate or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives for the purposes of judicial review, unless the requester petitions the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives for an administrative review in accordance with subsection (5) of this section, in which case the entity's determination after the administrative review under subsection (5) of this section constitutes final agency action or final action by the office of the secretary of the senate or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives for the purposes of judicial review.

  5. Agencies, the office of the secretary of the senate, and the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall establish an administrative review process for requesters to appeal the denial of a request or to make a claim that the response to a request is incomplete. The administrative review process must allow a requester to petition the agency, the office of the secretary of the senate, or the office of the chief clerk of the house of representatives, whichever is applicable, for a review of the agency's response to a public records request within 30 days of the denial or closure of the request. If, through the administrative review process, the agency finds that the records were improperly withheld, the agency must provide the responsive records in accordance with this title.

Section 2

  1. Upon the motion of any person having been denied an opportunity to inspect or copy a public record by an agency, the superior court in the county in which a record is maintained may require the responsible agency to show cause why it has refused to allow inspection or copying of a specific public record or class of records. The burden of proof shall be on the agency to establish that refusal to permit public inspection and copying is in accordance with a statute that exempts or prohibits disclosure in whole or in part of specific information or records.

  2. Upon the motion of any person who believes that an agency has not made a reasonable estimate of the time that the agency requires to respond to a public record request or a reasonable estimate of the charges to produce copies of public records, the superior court in the county in which a record is maintained may require the responsible agency to show that the estimate it provided is reasonable. The burden of proof shall be on the agency to show that the estimate it provided is reasonable.

  3. Judicial review of all agency actions taken or challenged under RCW 42.56.030 through 42.56.520 shall be de novo. Courts shall take into account the policy of this chapter that free and open examination of public records is in the public interest, even though such examination may cause inconvenience or embarrassment to public officials or others. Courts may examine any record in camera in any proceeding brought under this section. The court may conduct a hearing based solely on affidavits. A party seeking judicial review must have exhausted all administrative remedies provided under RCW 42.56.520.

  4. Any person who prevails against an agency in any action in the courts seeking the right to inspect or copy any public record or the right to receive a response to a public record request within a reasonable amount of time may be awarded all reasonable costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in connection with such legal action. In addition, it shall be within the discretion of the court to award such person an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for each day that he or she was denied the right to inspect or copy said public record. If the court finds the agency was in substantial compliance with this title and acted reasonably and in good faith, then the court shall consider those factors in determining any award.

  5. If the court finds that the party requested to inspect or copy a public record or participated in the civil action for an improper purpose, the court may consider that when deciding if they will award any costs or attorney fees to the party.

  6. For actions under this section against counties, the venue provisions of RCW 36.01.050 apply.

  7. Actions under this section must be filed within one year of the agency's claim of exemption or the last production of a record on a partial or installment basis.

  8. For the purposes of this section, a request made for any "improper purpose" means the request to inspect or copy a public record or to bring a civil action pursuant to this section is made primarily: To harass; to cause an unreasonable or frivolous increase in the cost of government operations or delay in government action; in pursuit of an award of statutory fees, costs, or other monetary award; to cause a violation of this chapter; or for any other frivolous purpose.

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