wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 2184
HB 2184 - DD parental caregivers
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Wed 01/10 01:30 PM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): HB 2184 DD parental caregivers
298 👍 - Pro
- Adana Protonentis - Kindred Leaders
- 💵Adrienne Stuart
- Moses Perez - Open Doors for Multicultural Families
- Deborah Ritter
- Jill Brown
- Kayla Scott
- Lindsey Topping-Schuetz - Unpaid Parent Caregiver and Advocate
- Angelina Goldwell
- Heidi Fredericks
- Debbie Calderon
- Brittany Huerta
- Nakul Jinsi
- Stephanie Raghubeer - Multicare/Mary Bridge Children's
- Hodan Mohammad - Washington Multicultural Services Link
- Katie Scheid - Parents Empowering Parents
- Kristina Smith - Kindred Joy Coaching
- Savanna Brown
- Seth Davidson
- Moses Perez - Open Doors for Multicultural Families
- Jamie Thompson - PEP - WA, Parents Empowering Parents and Mother to Colby (Medically Complex 14 y/o)
- Lelach Rave - WA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Fernanda Mazcot - Nuestras Raíces Community Center
- Seth Davidson
- Tonya Cloud
- Eva Dellis
- Courtney Hansen - Parent who has lived in multiple states
- Hodan Mohammad - Washington Multicultural Services Link
0 👎 - Con
1 ❓ - Other
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