wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 1440
HB 1440 - Juvenile court jurisdiction
leg.wa.gov | RSS Feed
Fri 02/10 08:00 AM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): HB 1440 Juvenile court jurisdiction
99 👍 - Pro
- 💵Taylor Gardner - WA Assn of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
- 💵Dominique Davis - Community Passageways
- Dr. Eric Trupin - UW Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
- Nicole McGrath - Law Office of Nicole K McGrath
- Dr. Alexandra Obremskey - Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Julissa Sanchez - Choose 180
- 💵Karen Pillar - TeamChild
- Katie Hurley - King County Dept of Public Defense
- Dr. Divya Natarajan - Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
- 💵Roxana Gomez - ACLU of Washington
- William Hairston - Center for Children & Youth Justice
9 👎 - Con
- Sara Watson - Kent Acting Chief Prosecuting Attorney
- 💵Taylor Gardner - WA Assn of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
- Matt Murray - Yakima Police Department
- Holly Cousens - Councilmember, City of Yakima
- Patricia Byers - Councilmember, City of Yakima
- 💵Russell Brown - WA Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
0 ❓ - Other
Wed 02/08 01:30 PM - Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning (HSEL): HB 1440 Juvenile court jurisdiction
71 👍 - Pro
1 👎 - Con
- 💵Russell Brown - WA Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
0 ❓ - Other
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