wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 1272 > Session Law

HB 1272 - Voters' pamphlets


Section 1

The secretary of state shall, whenever at least one statewide measure or office is scheduled to appear on the general election ballot, print and distribute a voters' pamphlet.

The secretary of state shall distribute the voters' pamphlet to each household in the state, to public libraries, and to any other locations the secretary deems appropriate. The secretary of state shall also produce recorded or Braille transcripts of the voters' pamphlet, publicize their availability, and mail without charge a copy to any person who requests one.

The secretary of state may make the material required to be distributed by this chapter available to the public in electronic form. The secretary of state may provide the material in electronic form to web based, print, and broadcast news media and similar services at the cost of reproduction or transmission of the data.

Section 2

No person or entity may publish or distribute any campaign material that is deceptively similar in design or appearance to a voters' pamphlet that was published by the secretary of state during the 10-year period before the publication or distribution of the campaign material by the person or entity. The secretary of state shall take reasonable measures to prevent or to stop violations of this section. Such measures may include, among others, petitioning the superior court for a temporary restraining order or other appropriate injunctive relief. In addition, the secretary may request the superior court to impose a civil fine on a violator of this section. The court is authorized to levy on and recover from each violator a civil fine not to exceed the greater of: (1) $5 for each copy of the deceptive material distributed, or (2) $10,000. In addition, the violator is liable for the state's legal expenses and other costs resulting from the violation. Any funds recovered under this section must be transmitted to the state treasurer for deposit in the general fund.

Section 3

The voters' pamphlet published or distributed under RCW 29A.32.010 must contain:

  1. Information about each ballot measure initiated by or referred to the voters for their approval or rejection as required by RCW 29A.32.070;

  2. In even‑numbered years, statements, if submitted, from candidates for the office of president and vice president of the United States, United States senator, United States representative, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, state auditor, attorney general, commissioner of public lands, superintendent of public instruction, insurance commissioner, state senator, state representative, justice of the supreme court, judge of the court of appeals, or judge of the superior court. Candidates may also submit campaign contact information and a photograph not more than five years old in a format that the secretary of state determines to be suitable for reproduction in the voters' pamphlet;

  3. In odd‑numbered years, statements, if submitted, from candidates for any office listed in subsection (2) of this section that appears on the ballot due to a vacancy. Candidates may also submit campaign contact information and a photograph not more than five years old in a format that the secretary of state determines to be suitable for reproduction in the voters' pamphlet;

  4. Contact information for the public disclosure commission established under RCW 42.17A.100, including the following statement: "For a list of the people and organizations that donated to state and local candidates and ballot measure campaigns, visit www.pdc.wa.gov." The statement must be placed in a prominent position, such as the first two pages of the voters' pamphlet. The secretary of state may substitute such language as is necessary for accuracy and clarity and consistent with the intent of this section;

  5. Contact information for major political parties;

  6. A brief statement explaining the deletion and addition of language for proposed measures under RCW 29A.32.080;

  7. A list of all student engagement hubs as designated under RCW 29A.40.180;

  8. A page providing information about how to access the internet presentation of the information created in RCW 44.48.160 about the state budgets, including a uniform resource locator, a quick response code, and a phone number for the legislative information center. The uniform resource locator and quick response codes will lead the voter to the internet information required in RCW 44.48.160; and

  9. Any additional information pertaining to elections as may be required by law or in the judgment of the secretary of state is deemed informative to the voters.

Section 4

Committees shall write and submit arguments advocating the approval or rejection of each statewide ballot issue and rebuttals of those arguments. The secretary of state, the presiding officer of the senate, and the presiding officer of the house of representatives shall appoint the initial two members of each committee. In making these committee appointments the secretary of state and presiding officers of the senate and house of representatives shall consider legislators, sponsors of initiatives and referendums, and other interested groups known to advocate or oppose the ballot measure. Committees must have the explanatory and fiscal impact statements available before preparing their arguments.

The initial two members may select up to four additional members, and the committee shall elect a chairperson. The remaining committee member or members may fill vacancies through appointment.

After the committee submits its initial argument statements to the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall transmit the statements to the opposite committee. The opposite committee may then prepare rebuttal arguments. Rebuttals may not interject new points.

The voters' pamphlet may contain only text argument statements prepared according to this section. Graphs, charts, photographs, cartoons, or caricatures are not permitted.

Section 5

The secretary of state shall determine the format and layout of the voters' pamphlet published under RCW 29A.32.010. The secretary of state shall print the pamphlet in clear, readable type on a size, quality, and weight of paper that in the judgment of the secretary of state best serves the voters. The pamphlet must contain a table of contents. Measures and arguments must be printed in the order specified by RCW 29A.72.290.

The secretary of state's name may not appear in the voters' pamphlet in an official capacity if the secretary is a candidate for office during the same year. The secretary's name may only be included as part of the information normally included for candidates.

The voters' pamphlet must provide the following information for each statewide issue on the ballot:

  1. The legal identification of the measure by serial designation or number;

  2. The official ballot title of the measure;

  3. A statement prepared by the attorney general explaining the law as it presently exists;

  4. A statement prepared by the attorney general explaining the effect of the proposed measure if it becomes law;

  5. The fiscal impact statement prepared under RCW 29A.72.025;

  6. The total number of votes cast for and against the measure in the senate and house of representatives, if the measure has been passed by the legislature;

  7. An argument advocating the voters' approval of the measure together with any statement in rebuttal of the opposing argument;

  8. An argument advocating the voters' rejection of the measure together with any statement in rebuttal of the opposing argument;

  9. Each argument or rebuttal statement must be followed by the names of the committee members who submitted them, and may be followed by a telephone number that citizens may call to obtain information on the ballot measure;

  10. The full text of the measure.

Section 6

  1. The maximum number of words for statements submitted by candidates is as follows: State representative, 100 words; state senator, judge of the superior court, judge of the court of appeals, justice of the supreme court, and all state offices voted upon throughout the state, except that of governor, 200 words; president and vice president, United States senator, United States representative, and governor, 300 words.

  2. Arguments written by committees under RCW 29A.32.060 may not exceed 250 words in length.

  3. Rebuttal arguments written by committees may not exceed 75 words in length.

  4. The secretary of state or county auditor shall allocate space in the pamphlet based on the number of candidates or nominees for each office.

Section 7

Before any primary or general election, or any special election held under RCW 29A.04.321 or 29A.04.330, each county auditor shall print and distribute a local voters' pamphlet. The pamphlet shall provide information on all measures and candidates appearing on ballots within that county. The format of any local voters' pamphlet shall, whenever applicable, comply with the provisions of this chapter regarding the publication of the state candidates' and voters' pamphlets.

Section 8

  1. Not later than 90 days before the publication and distribution of a local voters' pamphlet by a county, the county auditor shall notify each city, town, or special taxing district with issues or offices appearing on ballots within that county that a pamphlet will be produced.

  2. All voters' pamphlets published by the county pursuant to RCW 29A.32.210 must include the elective offices and ballot measures of the county and the elective offices and ballot measures of each unit of local government within the county which will appear on the ballot at that primary or election. ‑

If the required appearance in a county's voters' pamphlet of the offices or measures of a unit of local government would create undue financial hardship for the unit of government, the legislative authority of the unit may petition the legislative authority of the county to waive this requirement. The legislative authority of the county may provide such a waiver if it does so not later than 60 days before the publication of the pamphlet and it finds that the requirement would create such hardship.

  1. If a city, town, or district is located within more than one county, all appropriate information for that jurisdiction must appear in the local voters' pamphlet for each of the counties containing the jurisdiction. Arguments, candidate statements, and photographs must be submitted to the county auditor of the county that accepted any resolutions or candidate filings for that jurisdiction. The auditor that receives this information shall provide it to the other county auditors after reviewing and accepting the submissions.

Section 9

  1. The local voters' pamphlet shall include but not be limited to the following:

    1. Appearing on the cover, the words "official local voters' pamphlet," the name of the jurisdiction producing the pamphlet, and the date of the election or primary;

    2. A list of jurisdictions that have measures or candidates in the pamphlet;

    3. Information on how a person may register to vote and obtain a ballot;

    4. Candidate statements and photographs;

    5. The text of each measure accompanied by an explanatory statement prepared by the prosecuting attorney for any county measure or by the attorney for the jurisdiction submitting the measure if other than a county measure. All explanatory statements for city, town, or district measures not approved by the attorney for the jurisdiction submitting the measure shall be reviewed and approved by the county prosecuting attorney or city attorney, when applicable, before inclusion in the pamphlet;

    6. The arguments for and against each measure submitted by committees selected pursuant to RCW 29A.32.280; and

    7. A list of all student engagement hubs in the county as designated under RCW 29A.40.180


  1. The county auditor's name may not appear in the local voters' pamphlet in an official capacity if the county auditor is a candidate for office during the same year. The auditor's name may only be included as part of the information normally included for candidates.

Section 10

Local voters' pamphlets shall include candidate statements accepted by the county auditor and may also include candidates' photographs accepted by the county auditor.

Section 11

As soon as practicable before the primary, special election, or general election, the county auditor shall mail the local voters' pamphlet to every residence in each jurisdiction within the county that is participating in the associated primary or election and for which election information is included in the pamphlet. The county auditor may choose to mail the pamphlet to each registered voter in each jurisdiction within the county that is participating in the associated primary or election and for which election information is included in the pamphlet, if in the auditor's judgment, a more economical and effective distribution of the pamphlet would result. The county auditor shall either mail or send a printable electronic version of the state and local voters' pamphlets to any service or overseas voter registered in the jurisdiction who has requested them.

Section 12

  1. For each measure from a unit of local government included in a local voters' pamphlet, the legislative authority of that jurisdiction shall, not later than the resolution deadline, formally appoint a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' approval of the measure and shall formally appoint a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' rejection of the measure.

  2. The authority shall appoint persons that reside within the jurisdictional boundaries and are known to favor the measure to serve on the committee advocating approval and shall, whenever possible, appoint persons that reside within the jurisdictional boundaries and are known to oppose the measure to serve on the committee advocating rejection.

  3. Each committee shall have not more than three members, however, a committee may seek the advice of any person or persons.

  4. If the legislative authority of a unit of local government fails to make such appointments by the prescribed deadline, the county auditor shall issue a media release and publish information on the auditor's election website announcing the opportunity to form committees and provide statements. If the legislative authority is unable to make appointments, the auditor shall make appointments on a first-come, first-served basis if qualified committee members contact the auditor by the appropriate deadline.

  5. If no statement is produced, the auditor shall include a statement in the pamphlet stating that no person in the jurisdiction contacted the auditor to provide a statement, and there are no statements for that measure.

Section 13

This act takes effect January 1, 2025.

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