wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 1212 > Original Bill

HB 1212 - Outdoor recreation fees


Section 1

  1. The legislature finds that in 2018 more than 1,000,000 discover passes and daily permits were purchased in Washington to access outdoor recreational opportunities. In the same year, Washingtonians spent almost $23,000,000 for the $30 discover pass. As noted at results Washington, the state's public sector performance management and continuous improvement agency, outdoor recreation results in healthier citizens and a healthier economy for Washington state and participating in these events builds families and communities. Participants in outdoor recreation are more connected to their environment and tend to be better stewards of our natural resources. This has long lasting and immeasurable impacts on our state and the precious natural resources we are tasked with maintaining.

  2. Therefore:

    1. For the benefit of public health and environmental stewardship, the legislature finds that outdoor recreation should be encouraged and made affordable for all, and imposing a use fee impedes this goal;

    2. The legislature intends to eliminate the discover pass and daily permit fees that apply to access of state outdoor recreation opportunity; and

    3. The legislature intends to fully fund state park and outdoor recreation as a benefit to be widely shared by all regardless of financial circumstances.

Section 2

  1. The department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director must provide an opportunity for a vehicle owner to make a voluntary donation as provided in this section when applying for an initial or renewal vehicle registration.

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    1. A vehicle owner who registers a vehicle under this chapter may donate one dollar or more to the organ and tissue donation awareness account to promote the donation of organs and tissues under the uniform anatomical gift act as described in chapter 68.64 RCW. The donation of one or more dollars is voluntary and may be refused by the vehicle owner.

    2. The department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director must:

      1. Ask a vehicle owner applying for a vehicle registration if the owner would like to donate one dollar or more;

      2. Inform a vehicle owner of the option for organ and tissue donations as required under RCW 46.20.113; and

      3. Make information booklets or other informational material available regarding the importance of organ and tissue donations to vehicle owners.

    3. All reasonable costs associated with the creation of the donation program created under this section must be paid proportionally or by another agreement by a participating Washington state organ procurement organization established for organ and tissue donation awareness purposes by the Washington state organ procurement organizations. For the purposes of this section, "reasonable costs" and "Washington state organ procurement organization" have the same meaning as in RCW 68.64.010.

  3. The department must collect from a vehicle owner who pays a vehicle license fee under RCW 46.17.350(1) (a), (d) through (l), (n), (o), or (q) or who registers a vehicle under RCW 46.16A.455 with a declared gross weight of 12,000 pounds or less a voluntary donation of five dollars. The donation may not be collected from any vehicle owner actively opting not to participate in the donation program. The department must ensure that the opt-out donation under this section is clear, visible, and prominently displayed in both paper and online vehicle registration renewals. Notification of intent to not participate in the donation program must be provided annually at the time of vehicle registration renewal. The donation must be deposited in the state parks renewal and stewardship account established in RCW 79A.05.215 to be used for the operation and maintenance of state parks.

Section 3

The following acts are infractions and may be cited and civil penalties imposed as provided under chapter 7.84 RCW, to include detentions for a reasonable period and investigations as provided in RCW 7.84.030. The civil provisions of this section are cumulative and nonexclusive and do not affect any criminal prosecution or investigatory authority over criminal offenses:

  1. Fishing and shellfishing infractions:

    1. Barbed hooks: Fishing for personal use with barbed hooks in violation of any department rule.

    2. Catch recording: Failing to immediately record a catch of fish or shellfish on a catch record card as required by RCW 77.32.430 or department rule.

    3. Catch reporting: Failing to return a catch record card to the department as required by department rule.

    4. Recreational fishing: Fishing for fish or shellfish and the person:

      1. Fails to have in the person's possession the license or the catch record card required by chapter 77.32 RCW for such an activity; or

      2. Violates any department rule regarding seasons, closed areas, closed times, or any other rule addressing the manner or method of fishing for fish or shellfish and the violation involves:

(A) Salmon or steelhead;

(B) Sturgeon;

(C) Game fish;

(D) Food fish;

(E) Shellfish;

(F) Unclassified fish or shellfish;

(G) Waste of food fish, game fish or shellfish. This subsection (1)(d)(ii) does not apply to use of a net to take fish under RCW 77.15.580 or unlawful recreational fishing in the first degree under RCW 77.15.370.

e. Seaweed: Taking, possessing, or harvesting less than two times the daily possession limit of seaweed:

    i. While the person is not in possession of the license required by chapter 77.32 RCW; or

    ii. In violation of any rule of the department or the department of natural resources regarding seasons, closed areas, closed times, or any other rule addressing the manner or method of taking, possessing, or harvesting of seaweed.
  1. Hunting infractions:

    1. A person engages in an activity defined by chapter 77.32 RCW while not having in the person's possession or having failed to purchase the hunting license or tag required by that chapter, not including big game.

    2. Eggs or nests: Maliciously, and without permit authorization, destroying, taking, or harming the eggs or active nests of a wild bird not classified as endangered or protected. For purposes of this subsection, "active nests" means nests that contain eggs or fledglings.

    3. Hunting for wildlife not classified as big game and the person violates any department rule regarding seasons, closed areas, closed times, or any other rule defining the method or manner of hunting or taking wildlife and the violation involves:

      1. Unclassified wildlife;

      2. Small game;

      3. Furbearers;

      4. Game birds;

    4. Wild birds;

    1. Wild animals;

    2. Waste of small game.

  2. Trapping, taxidermy, fur dealing, and wildlife meat cutting infractions:

    1. Recordkeeping and reporting: If a person is a taxidermist, fur dealer, or wildlife meat cutter who is processing, holding, or storing wildlife for commercial purposes, failing to:

      1. Maintain records as required by department rule; or

      2. Report information from these records as required by department rule.

    2. Trapper's report: Failing to report trapping activity as required by department rule.

  3. Limited fish seller infraction: Failure of a holder of a limited fish seller endorsement to satisfy the food safety requirements to consumers under RCW 77.65.510(2).

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    1. Invasive species management infractions:

      1. Out-of-state certification: Entering Washington in possession of an aquatic conveyance that does not meet certificate of inspection requirements as provided under RCW 77.135.100;

      2. Clean and drain requirements: Possessing an aquatic conveyance that does not meet clean and drain requirements under RCW 77.135.110;

      3. Clean and drain orders: Possessing an aquatic conveyance and failing to obey a clean and drain order under RCW 77.135.110 or 77.135.120; and

      4. Aquatic invasive species prevention permit requirements: Failing to possess a valid aquatic invasive species prevention permit as required under RCW 77.135.210, 77.135.220, or 77.135.230.

    2. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in both RCW 77.08.010 and 77.135.010 apply throughout this subsection (5).

  5. Other infractions:

    1. Contests: Unlawfully conducting, holding, or sponsoring a hunting contest, a fishing contest involving game fish, or a competitive field trial using live wildlife.

    2. Other rules: Violating any other department rule that is designated by rule as an infraction.

    3. Posting signs: Posting signs preventing hunting or fishing on any land not owned or leased by the person doing the posting, or without the permission of the person who owns, leases, or controls the land posted.

    4. Department permits: Except as provided in RCW 77.15.750, using a department permit issued by the department, and the person:

      1. Violates any terms or conditions of the permit;

      2. Violates any department rule applicable to the issuance or use of permits; or

      3. Violates any commercial use or activity permits, noncommercial use or activity permits, or parking permits.

Section 4

  1. A person is guilty of unlawful use of a department permit if the person:

    1. Violates any terms or conditions of the permit issued by the department or the director; or

    2. Violates any rule of the commission or the director applicable to the requirement for, issuance of, or use of the permit.

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    1. Permits covered under subsection (1) of this section include, but are not limited to, master hunter permits, crab pot removal permits and shellfish pot removal permits under RCW 77.70.500, depredation permits, landowner hunting permits, commercial carp license permits, permits to possess or dispense beer or malt liquor pursuant to RCW 66.28.210, and permits to hold, sponsor, or attend an event requiring a banquet permit from the state liquor and cannabis board.

    2. Permits excluded from subsection (1) of this section include commercial use or activity permits, noncommercial use or activity permits, parking permits, experimental fishery permits, trial commercial fishery permits, and scientific collection permits.

  3. Unlawful use of a department permit is a misdemeanor.

  4. A person is guilty of unlawful use of an experimental fishery permit or a trial commercial fishery permit if the person:

    1. Violates any terms or conditions of the permit issued by the department or the director; or

    2. Violates any rule of the commission or the director applicable to the issuance or use of the permit.

  5. Unlawful use of an experimental fishery permit or a trial commercial fishery permit is a gross misdemeanor.

  6. The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

    1. "Experimental fishery permit" means a permit issued by the director for either:

      1. An "emerging commercial fishery," defined as a fishery for a newly classified species for which the department has determined that there is a need to limit participation; or

      2. An "expanding commercial fishery," defined as a fishery for a previously classified species in a new area, by a new method, or at a new effort level, for which the department has determined that there is a need to limit participation.

    2. "Trial commercial fishery permit" means a permit issued by the department for trial harvest of a newly classified species or harvest of a previously classified species in a new area or by a new means.

Section 5

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