wa-law.org > bill > 2023-24 > HB 1140
HB 1140 - Operating budget
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Mon 03/27 04:00 PM - Appropriations (APP): PSHB 1140 - Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. (Remote Testimony Available).
77 👍 - Pro
5 👎 - Con
- Debi Maloney
- Heather Evans - Morningside
166 ❓ - Other
- 💵Patricia Hunter - WA State LTC Ombuds
- 💵Melanie Smith - Committee for Children
- 💵Jill May - Washington Association for Children and Families
- Jeff Clare - Washington Association for Children and Families
- Whitney Carlson - Washington Association for Children and Families
- Laurie Lippold - Partners for Our Children
- Erin Lovell - Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (LCYC)
- Erin Shea McCann - Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (LCYC)
- Jim Theofelis - NorthStar Advocates
- 💵Diana Stadden - The Arc of WA State
- 💵Larry Delaney - Washington Education Association
- Shelly Willis - Family Education and Support Services
- 💵Erica Hallock - Start Early Washington
- 💵Samantha Bruegger - Washington Wildlife First
- 💵Emily Stone - WA State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Jim Bamberger - Office of Civil Legal Aid
- 💵Guillermo Rogel - Front and Centered
- Sam Martin - Washington Coalition for Homeless Youth Advocacy
- Ryan Davis - Washington Asset Building Coalition
- 💵Hyeeun Park - BIPOC Executive Directors Coalition
- 💵Jorge Baron - Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
- 💵Amina Abdalla - Adult Family Home Council
- 💵John Ficker - Adult Family Home Council
- Carma Matti-Jackson - Washington Health Care Association
- Jeff Cohen - Kline Galland
- Pete Wolkin - Nightingale Living
- 💵Alyssa Odegaard - LeadingAge Washington
- Zack Wester - Noble Healthcare
- Joseph Lachman - Asian Counseling and Referral Service
- Kim Retherford - Huus Construct
- Courtenay Gebhardt - Blue Sound Construction
- Jacqueline Kinley - Unified Residential Care and Main Residential Care
- Kate White Tudor - Washington Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Elisia Anderson - First Step Family Support
- 💵Nathan Koch - Children's Home Society of Washington
- Steve Daschle - Southwest Youth and Family Services
- Heather Cantamessa - Children's Home Society of Washington
- Jessica Cinollo - XChange
- Lisa Johnson - Parent 4 Parent
- Samantha Fogg - Seattle Council PTSA
- Nancy Chamberlain - Washington State PTA
- 💵Alan Burke - WSSRA
- Daniel Lunghofer - Washington State School Directors' Association
- 💵Emily Murphy - Child Care Aware of Washington
- 💵Lianna Kressin - Statewide Poverty Action Network
- Amanda Kim - Balance Our Tax Code
- Henterson Carlisle - Washington Director – Center for High School Success
- John Boyd
- 💵Kia Franklin - Washington Executive Director
- 💵Bob Cooper - WA Association of Drug Courts
- 💵Sean Graham - Washington State Medical Association
- Michelle O’Byrne
- Hollianne Monson - Catholic Community Services- Volunteer Services
- Tom Carroll - Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington- Volunteer Services
- 💵Susan Barbeau - First 5 FUNdamentals
- 💵Shawn Latham - Allies in Advocacy
- Jessica Renner - Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL)
- 💵Anna Nepomuceno - NAMI Washington
- Sonya Shine
- Rob Huff - Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness
- Kathy Mulkerin - Board Member, Walla Walla Public Schools
- Keith Swanson - President, Walla Walla Valley Education Association
- Gregory King - Washington MESA
- Paula Reed - Children's Advocacy Centers of Washington
- 💵Michele Thomas - Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
- Peter Shapiro
- HyeEun Park - BIPOC ED Coalition
- 💵Ramona Hattendorf - The Arc of King County
- Jessie Friedmann - YouthCare
- 💵Ann Vining - Northwest Health Law Advocates
- Maya Morales
- Sol Villarreal
- Laura Saunders - WACCRA
- Laura Saunders - WACCRA
- Jeri Moomaw - WASE Forward
- Lonnie Johns-Brown
- 💵Christine Mahler - Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition
- Brenda Rodriguez - WA Immigrant Solidarity Network
- Israel Gonzalez - WA Immigrant Solidarity Network
- Michael Byun - Asian Counseling Referral Service
- 💵Carolyn Brotherton - Economic Opportunity Institute
- Betsy Robblee - The Mountaineers
- Stephanie Neil - SDMC
- Julie Patino - A Way Home Washington
- Ren Autrey - OutsidersInn.org
- Sara Robbins - Seattle / King County Coalition on Homelessness
- Cathy Knight - WA Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- 💵Melissa Johnson - Community Residential Services Association
- HyeEun Park - BIPOC ED Coalition of Washington
- Jeff DeLuca - Washington State Community Action Partnership
- Liz Jennings - Community Action of Skagit County
- Tracy Turner - Self advocate
- Cecilia Gomez
- Tovi McClellan - Child Care Action Council
- 💵Emily Murphy - Child Care Aware of Washington
- Rick Chisa - Public School Employees of WA/SEIU 1948
- 💵Jude Ahmed - Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
- Mary Curry - Pathways Enrichment Academy
- Blake Geyen - Morningside
- Charlie Brown - Pierce County Superintendents, Federal Way SD, Schools Alliance
- Holly Koon - Teacher, Mt Baker School District
- 💵Kristin Wiggins - Imagine Institute
- Soledad Strubhar - WestSide Baby
- Jay Gordon - Washington State Dairy Federation
- Elizabeth Agi - International Community Health Services
- Isabel Salazar
- Samantha Starr
- Tyler Muench - Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
- 💵Michael Transue - Lemay – America's Auto Museum
- Emily Poncik - Pierce County Early Childhood Network (PCECN)
- Rachel Aronson - Maritime Blue
- Dr. Kevin Brockbank - Chancellor, Community Colleges of Spokane
- Paul Francis - Executive Director, SBCTC
- Phyllis Kenney - Chair, State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
- Jennifer Martin - S.A.I.L (Self Advocates In Leadership)
- 💵Matthew Hepner - IBEW/ceww
- Madelyn Carlson - CEO, People For People
- 💵Sarah Brady
- Lisa Greenwald - Kindering
- Julia Anderson - Parent of child with disabilities
- Bill Konesko - Parent of child with disabilities
- Mary Sewright - Mt Baker School District
- 💵Maud Daudon - Career Connect Washington
- 💵Seamus Petrie - Washington Public Employees Association
- 💵Courtney Smith - Washington Association for Community Health
- Roshelle Cleland - Lutheran Community Services Northwest
- 💵Nick Federici
- 💵Nicole Kern - Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates
- 💵Aaron Yared - Building Changes
- Suzi Fode - New Hope
- Maria Silva
- Karin White - YWCA Pierce County
- 💵Noah Seidel - Office of Developmental Disabilities Ombuds
- 💵Paul Dillon - Planned Parenthood Greater Northwest
- 💵Karen Strickland - American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
- 💵Devin Gombosky - ESD 105 Schools Coalition
- Suzanne Southerland - Washington Education Association-association of higher education
- Angie Silvan - Riverside Place
- Tammi Elswick - Heritage House Morton
- Fanny Cordero
- Fernando Mejia Ledesma - Communities for Our Colleges
- 💵Marcos Martinez - TeamChild
- 💵William Daley - Communities for Our Colleges
- Cristal Barragan
- Chad Vaculin - Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County
- Annalisa Hiroyasu
- karen Williams - Community Employment Alliance
- Mercedes Sanchez - Cedar River Clinics
- John Lemus - AtWork/Community Employment Alliance
- Jim Hedrick - Daybreak Youth Services
- 💵Ian Goodhew - UW Medicine
- Suzanne Dale Estey - Washington Economic Development Association
Wed 01/11 04:00 PM - Appropriations (APP): HB 1140 Operating budget
113 👍 - Pro
- 💵Bob Cooper - WAAssociation of Drug Courts
- Michael Mirra - Housing & Child Welfare Subcommittee of the Administrative Office of the Court
- Sam Martin - Washington Coalition on Homeless Youth Advocacy
- Danni Jo Bechtold
- 💵Lynda Hall - Treehouse
- Jim Bamberger - Office of Civil Legal Aid
- Sara Robbins - Seattle / King County Coalition on Homelessness
- 💵Erica Hallock - Start Early Washington, Empire Health Foundation, Family Impact Network
- 💵Patricia Hunter - WA State Long Term Care Ombuds Program
- Jeff Gombosky - Washington Health Care Association
- 💵Scott Sigmon - LeadingAge Washington
- Harald Hyllseth - Communities of Concern Commission
- Josephine Tamayo Murray - Communities of Concern Commission
- Pastor Carey Anderson - Communities of Concern Commission
- Heather Moss - Bates Technical College Trustee
- Paul Francis - State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
- 💵Brad Forbes - Alzheimer's Association
- 💵Michele Thomas - Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
- Joan Miller - Washington Council for Behavioral Health
- Alicia Kingston - Northwest Justice Project
- Austin Hsu - Snohomish County Legal Services
- Quinn Rosborough Dalan - Yakima County Volunteer Legal Services
- 💵Anna Nepomuceno - NAMI WA
- 💵Aaron Czyzewski - Food Lifeline
- Erin Shea McCann - Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (LCYC)
- 💵Morgan Hickel - University of Washington
- Tonia McClanahan
- 💵Seamus Petrie - Washington Public Employees Association
- Pat Meyers
- 💵Melissa Johnson - DMCJA; WA State Association of Head Start & ECEAP
- Ken Roske - City of Pasco Police Department
- Andrew Calkins - Association of Washington Housing Authorities
- 💵Nora Selander - Western Washington University
- Jacob Vigdor - University of Washington Faculty
- 💵Brad Banks - Home Care Coalition
- Sandy Kaiser - The Evergreen State College
- Dr. Scott Phillips - Washington Poison Center
- 💵Fred Yancey - Washington State School Retirees’ Assn.
- 💵Julie Patiño - A Way Home Washington
- Steve DuPont - Central Washington University
- Alex Conley
- Amy Hatch-Winecka
- 💵Kaylee Galloway - Regional Fisheries Coalition
- Lance Winecka
- Mike Lithgow
- David Buri
- Demas Nesterenko - SEIU775
- Brett Anton - Institutional Climate Action: UW
- Adam Ballout - ABC Law Group
- 💵Logan Bahr - Tacoma Public Utilities
- Colleen Condon - Washington Childcare Center Association
- Laura Murphey - Washington Childcare Center Association
- Nicole Mazen - Amara
- Brittany Gregory - Administrative Office of the Courts
- Christopher Stanley - Administrative Office of the Courts
- Jennifer Justice - FIRST Clinic
- Larry Jefferson - Director of the Washington State Office of Public Defense
- 💵Mark Johnson - Washington Retail Association
- Mike Battis - Washington Ambulance Association
- Pat McCarthy - Office of the Washington State Auditor
- 💵Scott Nelson - Office of the Washington State Auditor
- 💵Ian Goodhew - UW Medicine Healthcare
- Lynn Urvina - Washington State Kinship Caregiver Oversight Committee
- Mindy Woods
- Bob Mohrbacher - Centralia College
- Jacques White - Long Live the Kings
- Chris Mulick - Washington State University
- John Floberg - Washington State Parks Foundation
- Alexandra Deas - Equal Justice Coalition
- César Torres - Northwest Justice Project
- Preston Dwoskin
- Harald Hyllseth - Chief Seattle Club/Communities of Concern Commission
- Josephine Tamayo Murray - Communities of Concern Commission
- Pastor Carey Anderson - FAME Church/Communities of Concern Commission
- 💵Candice Bock - Association of Washington Cities
- 💵Joel Anderson - University of Washington Graduate and Professional Student Senate
- 💵Emily Murphy - Child Care Aware of Washington
- Debbie Ham - SELF (Support for Early Learning & Families)
- John Dickson - Spokane County United Way
- Gina Wassemiller - FIRST Legal Clinic
- Jennifer Justice - FIRST Legal Clinic
- Taila AyAy - FIRST Legal Clinic
- Cherish Cronmiller
- Diana Lian
- Jeff DeLuca
- Leslie Naramore
- Angela Kraemer - AFS
- 💵Alex Davidson - The Associated Students of the University of Washington
- Jennifer Smith - WDA/WACDL
- Kevin Flannery - WDA/WACDL
- Rachel Da Silva
- Zona Spaeth
- Kati Durkin - Washington Federation of State Employees
- Debbie Ham - SELF (Support for Early Learning and Families)
- Shelly Willis - Family Education and Support Services
- Tom Salzer - Washington Association of Conservation Districts
- Anthony Power - WDA/WACDL
- Greg Link - WDA/WACDL
- Jason Schwarz - WDA/WACDL
- 💵Lara Zarowsky - WDA/WACDL
- Michelle Sells
- Michelle Sells - Legacy Family Time Services
8 👎 - Con
- Tom Gaulke - Entrust Community Services
- Jessica Renner - Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL)
- Debi Maloney
- Darlene Schanfald - Friends of Miller Peninsula State Park
- Nicholle Mineiro - Attorneys for Education Rights
65 ❓ - Other
- 💵Larry Delaney - Washington Education Association
- Paula Reed - Children's Advocacy Centers of Washington
- Marissa Rathbone - Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA)
- Lynsey Gagon - Volunteers Of America
- Marcia Wright-Soika - Family Works
- 💵Shrounda Selivanoff - Children's Home Society of Washington
- Heather Cantamessa - Children's Home Society of Washington
- Lisa Johnson - Parent 4 Parent
- Laurie Lippold - Partners for Our Children
- 💵Melissa Gombosky - Evergreen Public Schools and ESD 112
- 💵Jill May - Washington Association for Children and Families
- Jeff Clare - Washington Association for Children & Families
- Whitney Carlson - Washington Association for Children & Families
- Liz Trautman - Stand for Children Washington
- 💵Jorge Baron - Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NWIRP)
- Adam Swinyard - Spokane Public Schools
- Jeff Snell - Vancouver Public Schools
- John Boyd - Evergreen Public Schools
- 💵Christina Wong - Northwest Harvest
- Ben Small - Launch NW
- Rosana Barredo - One America
- Michelle Price - North Central Educational Service District 171
- Jim Kowalkowski - Rural Education Center
- Brent Freeman - Wahkiakum School District
- 💵Guillermo Rogel - Front and Centered
- Jenny Plaja - Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
- Rob Huff
- Lisa Greenwald - Kindering
- Gian Mitchell
- Rachael Myers - WA Low Income Housing Alliance
- 💵Diana Stadden - The Arc of WA State
- Rick Chisa - Public School Employees of Washington (PSE)
- Brian Hatfield - Office of Secretary of State
- 💵Ramona Hattendorf - The Arc of King County
- 💵Megan Veith - Building Changes
- Deborah Essman
- Martha Wyckoff
- 💵Shawn Latham - Allies in Advocacy
- 💵Christina Wong - Northwest Harvest
- Lisa Striedinger - Friends without homes
- LISA STRIEDINGER - Friends without homes
- Jennifer Crespi - WA State PTA
- Will White
- Sean Eagan - The Northwest Seaport Alliance
- Jon Holmen - Lake Washington School District
- Sue Ann Bube - Mercer Island School District
- Krista Milhofer - People First of Washington
- Laura Ellsworth - Council for the Homeless
- 💵Samantha Bruegger - WA Wildlife First
- Eric Jensen - Astria Toppenish Hospital
- Sheila Babb Anderson - Campion Advocacy Fund
- Amanda DeShazo - Tacoma-Pierce County Affordable Housing Consortium
- Deb Miller - Washington 211
- Kelli Miller - Washington 211
- Madelyn Carlson - Washington 211
- Heather Moss - Pierce County Human Services
- Charlie Brown - Pierce County Superintendents and Federal Way SD
- 💵Kristin Wiggins - Imagine Institute
- Gregory King - Washington MESA
- Po Leapai
- Kathleen Knutsen - No
- 💵Leah Missik - Climate Solutions
- 💵Samuel Martin - Washington Community Alliance
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