Senate Bill 5336


Section 1

The legislature finds that not all law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system disability boards provide members with documentation that the medical costs of that member are covered by the board. The legislature further finds that not having access to this documentation has resulted in delayed access to medical services and members having to pay for services upfront and request reimbursement.

Therefore it is the intent of the legislature that every board provide evidence of coverage to eligible members.

Section 2

This section modifies existing section 41.26.115. Here is the modified chapter for context.

  1. The director of retirement systems shall adopt rules, in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW, under which each disability board shall execute its disability retirement duties under this chapter. The rules shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

    1. Standards governing the type and manner of presentation of medical, employability, and other evidence before disability boards;

    2. Standards governing the necessity and frequency of medical and employability reexaminations of persons receiving disability benefits**; and**

    3. A requirement that each board provide eligible members with documentation of the covered medical services.

  2. If the director determines that an order or determination of a disability board was not processed in accordance with the rules established under this section, the director may remand the order or determination for further proceedings consistent with the rules.

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