46.64 - Enforcement.

46.64.010 - Traffic citations—Record of—Cancellation prohibited—Penalty—Citation audit.

  1. Every traffic enforcement agency in this state shall provide in appropriate form traffic citations containing notices to appear which shall be issued in books with citations in quadruplicate and meeting the requirements of this section, or issued by an electronic device capable of producing a printed copy and electronic copies of the citations. The chief administrative officer of every such traffic enforcement agency shall be responsible for the issuance of such books or electronic devices and shall maintain a record of every such book and each citation contained therein and every such electronic device issued to individual members of the traffic enforcement agency and shall require and retain a receipt for every book and electronic device so issued.

  2. Every traffic enforcement officer upon issuing a traffic citation to an alleged violator of any provision of the motor vehicle laws of this state or of any traffic ordinance of any city or town shall deposit the original or a printed or electronic copy of such traffic citation with a court having competent jurisdiction over the alleged offense or with its traffic violations bureau. Upon the deposit of the original or a copy of such traffic citation with a court having competent jurisdiction over the alleged offense or with its traffic violations bureau as aforesaid, the original or copy of such traffic citation may be disposed of only by trial in the court or other official action by a judge of the court, including forfeiture of the bail or by the deposit of sufficient bail with or payment of a fine to the traffic violations bureau by the person to whom such traffic citation has been issued by the traffic enforcement officer.

  3. It shall be unlawful and official misconduct for any traffic enforcement officer or other officer or public employee to dispose of a traffic citation or copies thereof or of the record of the issuance of the same in a manner other than as required in this section.

  4. The chief administrative officer of every traffic enforcement agency shall require the return to him or her of a printed or electronic copy of every traffic citation issued by an officer under his or her supervision to an alleged violator of any traffic law or ordinance and of all copies of every traffic citation which has been spoiled or upon which any entry has been made and not issued to an alleged violator. Such chief administrative officer shall also maintain or cause to be maintained in connection with every traffic citation issued by an officer under his or her supervision a record of the disposition of the charge by the court or its traffic violations bureau in which the original or copy of the traffic citation was deposited.

  5. Any person who cancels or solicits the cancellation of any traffic citation, in any manner other than as provided in this section, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

  6. Every record of traffic citations required in this section shall be audited monthly by the appropriate fiscal officer of the government agency to which the traffic enforcement agency is responsible.

[ 2004 c 43 § 4; 2003 c 53 § 247; 1961 c 12 § 46.64.010; 1949 c 196 § 16; 1937 c 189 § 145; Rem. Supp. 1949 § 6360-145; ]

46.64.015 - Citation and notice to appear in court—Issuance—Contents—Arrest—Detention.

Whenever any person is arrested for any violation of the traffic laws or regulations which is punishable as a misdemeanor or by imposition of a fine, the arresting officer may serve upon him or her a traffic citation and notice to appear in court. Such citation and notice shall conform to the requirements of RCW 46.64.010, and in addition, shall include spaces for the name and address of the person arrested, the license number of the vehicle involved, the driver's license number of such person, if any, the offense or violation charged, and the time and place where such person shall appear in court. Such spaces shall be filled with the appropriate information by the arresting officer. An officer may not serve or issue any traffic citation or notice for any offense or violation except either when the offense or violation is committed in his or her presence or when a person may be arrested pursuant to RCW 10.31.100, as now or hereafter amended. The detention arising from an arrest under this section may not be for a period of time longer than is reasonably necessary to issue and serve a citation and notice, except that the time limitation does not apply under any of the following circumstances:

  1. Where the arresting officer has probable cause to believe that the arrested person has committed any of the offenses enumerated in RCW 10.31.100(3);

  2. When the arrested person is a nonresident and is being detained for a hearing under RCW 46.64.035.

[ 2006 c 270 § 3; 2004 c 43 § 5; 1987 c 345 § 2; 1985 c 303 § 11; 1979 ex.s. c 28 § 2; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 95 § 2; 1975 c 56 § 1; 1967 c 32 § 70; 1961 c 12 § 46.64.015; 1951 c 175 § 1; ]

46.64.025 - Failure to appear—Notice to department. (Effective until January 1, 2023.)

Whenever any person fails to comply with the terms of a a criminal complaint or criminal citation for a moving violation, the court with jurisdiction over the criminal complaint or criminal citation shall promptly give notice of such fact to the department of licensing. Whenever thereafter the case in which the defendant failed to appear or comply is adjudicated, the court hearing the case shall promptly file with the department a certificate showing that the case has been adjudicated. For the purposes of this section, "moving violation" is defined by rule pursuant to RCW 46.20.2891.

46.64.030 - Procedure governing arrest and prosecution.

The provisions of this title with regard to the apprehension and arrest of persons violating this title shall govern all police officers in making arrests without a warrant for violations of this title for offenses either committed in their presence or believed to have been committed based on probable cause pursuant to RCW 10.31.100, but the procedure prescribed herein shall not otherwise be exclusive of any other method prescribed by law for the arrest and prosecution of a person for other like offenses.

[ 1979 ex.s. c 28 § 3; 1975 c 56 § 2; 1967 c 32 § 72; 1961 c 12 § 46.64.030; 1937 c 189 § 147; RRS § 6360-147; ]

46.64.035 - Posting of security or bail by nonresident—Penalty.

Any nonresident of the state of Washington who is issued a notice of infraction or a citation for a traffic offense may be required to post either a bond or cash security in the amount of the infraction penalty or to post bail. The court shall by January 1, 1990, accept, in lieu of bond or cash security, valid major credit cards issued by a bank or other financial institution or automobile club card guaranteed by an insurance company licensed to conduct business in the state. If payment is made by credit card the court is authorized to impose, in addition to any penalty or fine, an amount equal to the charge to the court for accepting such cards. If the person cannot post the bond, cash security, or bail, he or she shall be taken to a magistrate or judge for a hearing at the first possible working time of the court. If the person refuses to comply with this section, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This section does not apply to residents of states that have entered into a reciprocal agreement as outlined in RCW 46.23.020.

[ 1987 c 345 § 3; ]

46.64.040 - Nonresident's use of highways—Resident leaving state—Secretary of state as attorney-in-fact.

The acceptance by a nonresident of the rights and privileges conferred by law in the use of the public highways of this state, as evidenced by his or her operation of a vehicle thereon, or the operation thereon of his or her vehicle with his or her consent, express or implied, shall be deemed equivalent to and construed to be an appointment by such nonresident of the secretary of state of the state of Washington to be his or her true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all lawful summons and processes against him or her growing out of any accident, collision, or liability in which such nonresident may be involved while operating a vehicle upon the public highways, or while his or her vehicle is being operated thereon with his or her consent, express or implied, and such operation and acceptance shall be a signification of the nonresident's agreement that any summons or process against him or her which is so served shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served on the nonresident personally within the state of Washington. Likewise each resident of this state who, while operating a motor vehicle on the public highways of this state, is involved in any accident, collision, or liability and thereafter at any time within the following three years cannot, after a due and diligent search, be found in this state appoints the secretary of state of the state of Washington as his or her lawful attorney for service of summons as provided in this section for nonresidents. Service of such summons or process shall be made by leaving two copies thereof with a fee established by the secretary of state by rule with the secretary of state of the state of Washington, or at the secretary of state's office, and such service shall be sufficient and valid personal service upon said resident or nonresident: PROVIDED, That notice of such service and a copy of the summons or process is forthwith sent by registered mail with return receipt requested, by plaintiff to the defendant at the last known address of the said defendant, and the plaintiff's affidavit of compliance herewith are appended to the process, together with the affidavit of the plaintiff's attorney that the attorney has with due diligence attempted to serve personal process upon the defendant at all addresses known to him or her of defendant and further listing in his or her affidavit the addresses at which he or she attempted to have process served. However, if process is forwarded by registered mail and defendant's endorsed receipt is received and entered as a part of the return of process then the foregoing affidavit of plaintiff's attorney need only show that the defendant received personal delivery by mail: PROVIDED FURTHER, That personal service outside of this state in accordance with the provisions of law relating to personal service of summons outside of this state shall relieve the plaintiff from mailing a copy of the summons or process by registered mail as hereinbefore provided. The secretary of state shall forthwith send one of such copies by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the defendant at the defendant's address, if known to the secretary of state. The court in which the action is brought may order such continuances as may be necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action. The fee paid by the plaintiff to the secretary of state shall be taxed as part of his or her costs if he or she prevails in the action. The secretary of state shall keep a record of all such summons and processes, which shall show the day of service.

[ 2003 c 223 § 1; 1993 c 269 § 16; 1982 c 35 § 197; 1973 c 91 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 69 § 1; 1961 c 12 § 46.64.040; 1959 c 121 § 1; 1957 c 75 § 1; 1937 c 189 § 129; RRS § 6360-129; ]

46.64.048 - Attempting, aiding, abetting, coercing, committing violations, punishable.

Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the commission of any act declared by this title to be a traffic infraction or a crime, whether individually or in connection with one or more other persons or as principal, agent, or accessory, shall be guilty of such offense, and every person who falsely, fraudulently, forcefully, or willfully induces, causes, coerces, requires, permits or directs others to violate any provisions of this title is likewise guilty of such offense.

[ 1990 c 250 § 60; 1961 c 12 § 46.56.210; 1937 c 189 § 149; RRS § 6360-149; ]

46.64.050 - General penalty.

It is a traffic infraction for any person to violate any of the provisions of this title unless violation is by this title or other law of this state declared to be a felony, a gross misdemeanor, or a misdemeanor.

Unless another penalty is in this title provided, every person convicted of a misdemeanor for violation of any provisions of this title shall be punished accordingly.

[ 1979 ex.s. c 136 § 93; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 95 § 3; 1961 c 12 § 46.64.050; 1937 c 189 § 150; RRS § 6360-150; 1927 c 309 § 53; RRS § 6362-53. 1937 c 188 § 82; RRS § 6312-82; 1921 c 108 § 16; RRS § 6378; ]

46.64.055 - Additional monetary penalty.

  1. In addition to any other penalties imposed for conviction of a violation of this title that is a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony, the court shall impose an additional penalty of fifty dollars. The court may not reduce, waive, or suspend the additional penalty unless the court finds the offender to be indigent. If a community restitution program for offenders is available in the jurisdiction, the court shall allow offenders to offset all or a part of the penalty due under this section by participation in the community restitution program.

  2. Revenue from the additional penalty must be remitted under chapters 2.08, 3.46, 3.50, 3.62, 10.82, and 35.20 RCW. Money remitted under this section to the state treasurer must be deposited in the state general fund. The balance of the revenue received by the county or city treasurer under this section must be deposited into the county or city current expense fund. Moneys retained by the city or county under this subsection shall constitute reimbursement for any liabilities under RCW 43.135.060.

[ 2009 c 479 § 40; 2002 c 175 § 38; 2001 c 289 § 3; ]

46.64.060 - Stopping motor vehicles for driver's license check, vehicle inspection and test—Purpose.

The purpose of RCW 46.64.060 and 46.64.070 is to provide for the exercise of the police power of this state to protect the health and safety of its citizens by assuring that only qualified drivers and vehicles which meet minimum equipment standards shall operate upon the highways of this state.

[ 1967 c 144 § 1; ]

46.64.070 - Stopping motor vehicles for driver's license check, vehicle inspection and test—Authorized—Powers additional.

To carry out the purpose of RCW 46.64.060 and 46.64.070, officers of the Washington state patrol are hereby empowered during daylight hours and while using plainly marked state patrol vehicles to require the driver of any motor vehicle being operated on any highway of this state to stop and display his or her driver's license and/or to submit the motor vehicle being driven by such person to an inspection and test to ascertain whether such vehicle complies with the minimum equipment requirements prescribed by chapter 46.37 RCW, as now or hereafter amended. No criminal citation shall be issued for a period of ten days after giving a warning ticket pointing out the defect.

The powers conferred by RCW 46.64.060 and 46.64.070 are in addition to all other powers conferred by law upon such officers, including but not limited to powers conferred upon them as police officers pursuant to RCW 46.20.349 and powers conferred by chapter 46.32 RCW.

[ 1999 c 6 § 26; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 22 § 1; 1967 c 144 § 2; ]

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