Senate Bill 5197


Section 1

This section modifies existing section 50.24.010. Here is the modified chapter for context.

  1. Contributions shall accrue and become payable by each employer (except employers as described in RCW 50.44.010 who have properly elected to make payments in lieu of contributions and those employers who are required to make payments in lieu of contributions) for each calendar year in which the employer is subject to this title at the rate established pursuant to chapter 50.29 RCW.

  2. In each rate year, the maximum amount of wages subject to tax for each individual shall be the lessor of:

    1. One hundred fifteen percent of the amount of wages subject to tax for the previous year rounded to the next lower one hundred dollars, except that the amount of wages subject to tax in any rate year shall not exceed eighty percent of the "average annual wage for contributions purposes" for the second preceding calendar year rounded to the next lower one hundred dollars**; or**

    2. The amount of wages subject to tax for each individual calculated under this section for the previous rate year multiplied by 100 percent plus the percentage change in the consumer price index for the preceding calendar year, not to exceed three percent. For purposes of this subsection, "consumer price index" means the consumer price index for the Seattle, Washington area for urban wage earners and clerical workers, all items, compiled by the bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor.

  3. In making computations under this section and RCW 50.29.010, wages paid based on services for employers making payments in lieu of contributions shall not be considered remuneration. Moneys paid from the fund, based on services performed for employers who make payments in lieu of contributions, which have not been reimbursed to the fund as of any June 30 shall be deemed an asset of the unemployment compensation fund, to the extent that such moneys exceed the amount of payments in lieu of contributions which the commissioner has previously determined to be uncollectible: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the amount attributable to employment with the state shall also include interest as provided for in RCW 50.44.020.

  4. Contributions shall become due and be paid by each employer to the treasurer for the unemployment compensation fund in accordance with such regulations as the commissioner may prescribe, and shall not be deducted, in whole or in part, from the remuneration of individuals in employment of the employer. Any deduction in violation of the provisions of this section shall be unlawful.

  5. In the payment of any contributions, a fractional part of a cent shall be disregarded unless it amounts to one-half cent or more, in which case it shall be increased to one cent.

Section 2

If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state or the eligibility of employers in this state for federal unemployment tax credits, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict, and the finding or determination does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act. Rules adopted under this act must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state or the granting of federal unemployment tax credits to employers in this state.

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