House Bill 1910


Section 1

This section modifies existing section 89.08.190. Here is the modified chapter for context.

  1. The governing board of a district shall consist of five elected supervisors.

  2. [Empty]

    1. In the case of a new district, the commission shall give due notice to elect the five supervisors at the next statewide general election under RCW 29A.04.321. All provisions pertaining to elections under Title 29A RCW shall govern this election , except as otherwise provided in this section.

    2. There shall be no primary prior to the first election for supervisors.

    3. The names of all candidates shall appear on the ballot in alphabetical order, together with instructions to vote for five. The five candidates receiving the most votes shall be declared elected supervisors**. If the election occurs in an even-numbered year,** the two candidates receiving the most votes are elected for a four-year term, and the next three for a two-year term. If the election occurs in an odd-numbered year, the two candidates receiving the most votes are elected for a three-year term, and the next three for a one-year term.

    4. An alternate method of dividing the district into five zones with populations as nearly equal as practicable may be used when approved by the commission. In such case, instructions will be to vote for one in each zone. The candidate receiving the most votes in a zone shall be declared elected.

  3. Subsequent elections for supervisors shall be held under the provisions of Title 29A RCW. Candidates file for office, a primary is held, and the general election is conducted, all in conformity with that title. The term of office for each supervisor shall be four years.

  4. [Empty]

    1. A board of supervisors may apply to the secretary of state for a waiver to exempt the district from conducting its elections in accordance with Title 29A RCW. The secretary may grant a waiver only if the district demonstrates that the costs and burdens of conducting its elections under Title 29A RCW are disproportionate to the anticipated benefits from increased voter turnout and engagement.

    2. If the board receives a waiver, the board shall by resolution and by giving due notice, set a date in each even-numbered calendar year at which time it shall conduct an electionfor new supervisors. Names of candidates nominated by petition signed by not less than 25 qualified district electors shall appear in alphabetical order on the ballots, together with an extra line wherein may be written in the name of any other candidate. The commission shall establish procedures for elections, canvass the returns and announce the official results thereof. Election results may be announced by polling officials at the close of the election subject to official canvass of ballots by the commission.

    3. A waiver granted under this subsection may last no more than two years or one election cycle.

    4. [Empty]

      1. For each waiver that the secretary grants under this section, the secretary must provide a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature that includes:

(A) The reasons that the waiver was granted;

(B) The current cost of conducting elections in the district, and the estimated cost of conducting elections under Title 29A RCW;

(C) Information about the last time that the district imposed special assessments or fixed rates and charges under RCW 89.08.400 or 89.08.405, respectively, or the last time that voters rejected a special assessment or rates and charges;

(D) Discussion of possible collaboration or merger between the district and another conservation district or other entity; and

(E) Recommendations about how the district can reduce the burdens of conducting its elections under Title 29A RCW.

    ii. **Reports under this subsection must be submitted to the legislature no more than six months after the waiver is granted and must comply with RCW 43.01.036.**
  1. All supervisors elected shall take office at the first board meeting following the election.

Section 2

This section modifies existing section 89.08.110. Here is the modified chapter for context.

If the commission finds that the district is needed, it shall then determine whether it is practicable. To assist the commission in determining this question, it shall, within a reasonable time, request a special election, consistent with RCW 29A.04.330, to submit the proposition to a vote of the district electors in the proposed district.

The election shall be conducted under the procedures in Title 29A RCW.

Section 3

This section modifies existing section 89.08.120. Here is the modified chapter for context.

The ballots for the election shall contain the words

"□ For creation of a conservation district of the lands below described and lying in the county or counties of . . . . . ., . . . . . . and . . . . . .," and

"□ Against creation of a conservation district of the lands below described and lying in the county or counties of . . . . . ., . . . . . . and . . . . . ."

The ballot shall set forth the boundaries of the proposed district.

Section 4

This section modifies existing section 89.08.130. Here is the modified chapter for context.

The commission shall give due notice of the election, which shall state generally the purpose of the electionand the date thereof, and set forth the boundaries of the proposed district.

Only qualified district electors within the proposed district may vote at the election. For purposes of this chapter, a qualified district elector is a natural person who is a registered voter under general state election laws and who resides in the district or proposed district.

Section 5

This section modifies existing section 89.08.140. Here is the modified chapter for context.

The commission shall bear all expense of giving the notices and conducting the hearings , and shall issue regulations governing all hearings and supervise the conduct thereof. The costs associated with holding elections are governed by RCW 29A.04.410.

Section 6

This section modifies existing section 89.08.160. Here is the modified chapter for context.

If the commission finds the project practicable, it shall

file with the secretary of state a sworn application, reciting that a petition was filed with the commission for the creation of the district

, notice issued, and a hearing was held thereon as required; that it determined the need for the district and defined the boundaries thereof; that notice was given and an election was held on the question of creating the district; that a majority vote favored the district, and that the commission had determined the district practicable; and the commission shall set forth the boundaries of the district.

Section 7

This section modifies existing section 89.08.200. Here is the modified chapter for context.

Vacancies in the office of elected supervisors shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining supervisors for the unexpired term.

A majority of the supervisors shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of a majority is required for any official action or determination.

Supervisors shall serve without compensation, but they shall be entitled to expenses, including traveling expenses, necessarily incurred in discharge of their duties. A supervisor may be removed by the state conservation commission upon notice and hearing, for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, but for no other reason.

The governing board shall designate a chair from time to time.

Section 8

This section modifies existing section 89.08.350. Here is the modified chapter for context.

At any time after five years from the organization of a district, twenty percent of the voters in the district may file with the commission a petition, praying that the district be dissolved. The commission may hold public hearings thereon, and within sixty days from receipt of the petition, shall give due notice of an election on the question of dissolution.

The question shall be submitted to voters as a ballot measure at a general or special election under the procedures provided in Title 29A RCW.

Section 9

The change to election dates and term lengths in this act apply to supervisors who are serving on the effective date of this section in the following manner:

  1. If the supervisor's term is scheduled to end in an even-numbered year, the supervisor shall serve through the end of that year. An election for the successor shall be held at the general election in the November prior to the end of the term; or

  2. If the supervisor's term is scheduled to end in an odd-numbered year, the supervisor shall serve until a successor is elected in the next general election following the scheduled end of the term and is qualified and assumes office in accordance with RCW 29A.60.280.

Section 10

This section modifies existing section 42.17A.010. Here is the modified chapter for context.

Elections of conservation district supervisors held pursuant to chapter 89.08 RCW in districts that have received a waiver from conducting elections under Title 29A RCW pursuant to RCW 89.08.190(4) shall not be considered general or special elections for purposes of the campaign disclosure and personal financial affairs reporting requirements of this chapter. Elected conservation district supervisors in those districts are not considered elected officials for purposes of the annual personal financial affairs reporting requirement of this chapter.

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