House Bill 1306


Section 1

The legislature finds that local school district boards of directors have the authority to put capital bond votes before their voters, but often lack the basic understanding of legal requirements related to public works projects. Better informed school boards of directors are likely to take greater responsibility in selecting responsible contractors and enforcing public works legal obligations. Better understanding of public works obligations and opportunities may lead to lower overall project costs, more money retained locally, and opportunities to develop a workforce pipeline for family-wage jobs and careers within the community.

Section 2

This section adds a new section to an existing chapter 28A.525. Here is the modified chapter for context.

  1. Prior to approving a bond authorization for voter consideration, each director on a school district board must have received training on basic legal requirements and opportunities of public sector capital projects within the preceding six years. This training must include, but is not limited to:

    1. Apprenticeship utilization requirements;

    2. Prevailing wage requirements; and

    3. The opportunity for school districts, general contractors, and labor organizations to engage in project labor agreements and community workforce agreements.

  2. School districts and education service districts are encouraged to provide the required training under subsection (1) of this section using a regional model with the assistance and materials provided by the Washington state department of labor and industries, labor organizations, and associations representing general contractors.

  3. In partnership with the Washington state department of labor and industries, labor organizations, and associations representing general contractors, the Washington state school directors' association shall draft model policies and frameworks that satisfy the training requirements under this section.

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